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organic AUTOS in the guerilla vege garden

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this will be a slow diary but will document along the way 


first off is the soil combo . Wel i would of liked to of had mushroow compost , perlite ,vermiculite and some charcol to add to this but i didnt . SHIT HAPPENS .


MIX IS  BLOOD AND BONE , OLD COCO FROM PREVIOUS GROW , SOIL FROM WORM FARM ( not sure if to classify these as worm casting ) , AND MY COMPOSTED GRASS CLIIPING AND VEGE SCRAPS (pictures1 through to 4)


mixed it up very well placed into pots and watered in with go go juice , in which i will continue to do prob 3 more times before auto seeds go in .


auto strains to be a test grow for a breeder plus some others of my own creation and grass o matic if they crack . 


prob wont be much more to this diary until seeds crack unless others want me to document that stage 



just soil prep for this stage pretty important when it comes to autos outdoors in my opinon


peace and karma to all!






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Good stuff.  I find my interest in autos increasing over time, so will be watching with interest, particularly keen to see how they fare in your soil mix, the coco mixed in should keep it light and airy enough, plus its moisture retention/release properties, and anything to do with worms should help.  I'd be keen to see your germination technique if it works well with recalcitrant seeds.

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Good stuff. I find my interest in autos increasing over time, so will be watching with interest, particularly keen to see how they fare in your soil mix, the coco mixed in should keep it light and airy enough, plus its moisture retention/release properties, and anything to do with worms should help. I'd be keen to see your germination technique if it works well with recalcitrant seeds.

No probs dave ill document it for you no prob


As far as soil combo goes ? Well I'm fairly confident with it as it ended up really light mix . As I said in last post would of liked to of added mushroom compost perlite , vermiculite and a dash of charcoal but shit happens .

In saying that thou, if I'm not interstate and home next weekend ill try and get a bit of the above mentioned and mix it in with the rest , although I've potted it all I'd still be a lot happier with the missing 4 ingredients .



Tell me this dave what is a recalcitrant seed ? Educate me plz !

Edited by D.R.S.D
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Seeds put into soil mix yesterday , and left at that . Up until now just been watering soil mix in pots with gogo juice just to get soil going . Didn't get any perlite ,vermiculite , charcoal or mushroom compost so just going with original mix in first post .


Planted 2 days out from full moon and at low tide, first of run in


Seeds in pots, two seeds per pot and left out in full sun !


Time will tell

Edited by D.R.S.D
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Hi drsd-looks the goods-I've been throwing a bit of gypsum on my clippings in a busted kids pool and give it some gogo now and again, sometimes a little seasol and $2/bag horse crap (i like the way it makes the soil -seems a bit lighter, and a bunter's coco block.about a month 6wks its been sitting, stirrring around a couple of times a week and it breaking down nicely-notmuch stench and I'm sure I have some worms in there already.  I would like to build my raised beds out of my garden waste basically-feed em with choock or stock manures and my comfrey leaves and compost from the kitchen scraps-gotta make a worm farm though. Jus buy gogo an gypsum would be sweet, maybe a bit of seasol. 


Do the autos need a big whack of nutes in there at the beginning?


v :sun: Peace drsd I'll be loookin on :bongon:



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Hi drsd-looks the goods-I've been throwing a bit of gypsum on my clippings in a busted kids pool and give it some gogo now and again, sometimes a little seasol and $2/bag horse crap (i like the way it makes the soil -seems a bit lighter, and a bunter's coco block.about a month 6wks its been sitting, stirrring around a couple of times a week and it breaking down nicely-notmuch stench and I'm sure I have some worms in there already.  I would like to build my raised beds out of my garden waste basically-feed em with choock or stock manures and my comfrey leaves and compost from the kitchen scraps-gotta make a worm farm though. Jus buy gogo an gypsum would be sweet, maybe a bit of seasol. 


Do the autos need a big whack of nutes in there at the beginning ?



This is more so a bit of an experiment for me as such vinno , a few reasons ;

a) I don't know the strain at all , with autos in my opinion , it takes a few grows to dial in a certain strain as far as nutes go ,and the amount they seem to like strength wise.

B) I didn't have what I would call , again in my opinion only , the essential ingredients for a optimum outdoor medium ! But I made do ,and although this medium seems to have compressed some with all the rain we have had it shouldn't be too bad .


I guess to answer your question do they need a big whack of nutes ?

Well I fed the soil mix for around 2 weeks prior to planting the seeds with gogo juice , blood and bone , and nitrosol . Planted the seeds straight into that medium and waited for seeds to crack . Plants are seedlings now and got there first water yesterday with gogo juice and nitrosol .


Will post pictures this afternoon

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So these are 16days from placing raw seed ( un-germinated ) into grow medium . I'd say around 10 day old once u take into consideration time taken for seed to germinate and poke there heads up in the air .


Will start hitting them pretty hard with ferts now for the next 2weeks


Will post how much and how often when I have a better idea myself





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The 2 with the bigger leaves look to be doing well, might be interesting to see how the 3rd turns out.  They do look just a tiny bit pale, so hitting em with ferts should be a good thing, especially as autos seem to handle big nutrition early on quite well.  Did you start these 2 seeds to a pot and then pick the best one in each?

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