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Cronic Bathing???

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22 March 2002


Abdominal pains, nausea and compulsive bathing are indicators of a newly diagnosed disorder related to chronic cannabis use, according to a South Australian GP.


Dr Hugh Allen, who works in the Adelaide Hills, defined cannabinoid hyperemesis or 'marijuana morning sickness' after studying about 15 long-term, chronic marijuana smokers, all of whom had a peculiar behavioural pattern.


'They all smoked marijuana and had for several years had a prolonged history of cyclically vomiting and funny bathing behaviour,' he said.


'They would have a hot bath, jump out, start feeling sick again, so jump back in. Some had 5 to 6 baths a day, some had 15.'


Dr Allen said the disorder was 'like an allergy to cannabis', with the only cure being complete cannabis cessation.


Pointers to cannabinoid hyperemesis

Dr Allen says pointers to cannabinoid hyperemesis include:


a history of ongoing cannabis abuse;

cyclical episodes of vomiting; and

compulsive bathing behaviour.

He says the disorder is curable if patients stop using cannabis, but will return if patients take up the habit again.



Reproduced with kind permission from Medical Observer Weekly


Reviewed : 28/3/2002




Found this under "addictions"on www.mydr.com.au site - NEVER heard anyone with this .:D - Anyone heard of this problem?? Strange. But I guess we all have our weird oddities. At least they're clean. :P

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Obviously this doctors research is one sided. he only has people in the research that have the same problem, it is stated in the report. Basically some how this doctor mamaged to find a group of obsesive compulsive bathers, who just happened to smoke pot. either that or he found him self a group of closet hammer fiends. Puls a GP maybe capable of administering pills but complex research into the side effects of pot use, is a task reserved for elite medical staff, such as those from the insitute of medicine. They created the reort on medicinal Marijuana here read it http://www.nap.edu/html/marimed/ch1.html

In seattle the people have made inititive that is now on this years ballot, making possesion of marijuana less of a priority them "j-walking" and check out seattle hempfest if you are in seattle

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It amazes me how the medical/pharmeceutical professin is always "inventing" new ways and conditions to treat people.

Yeah dude,it used to amaze me too until I did rehab & was labelled everything from a "social phobic" to an "obsessive compulsive".Just to get me onto more medication than I had gone in there for..

Then I realised what a BILLION $$$$ BUSINESS these fuckers were into.....and they call the pot dealer down the road a "criminal"~HA!!!

Well,I better go hide & wash my hands 20 more times :P


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Guest GrowMad
I think that if people are prone to an illness or disorder, maybe mj can enhance the problems. But I don't believe for a minute that it can create the illness/disorder all by it self... I've heard stories of mj turning people into schizophrenics... who me? yeah you!... :P ... I really think that people this happens to have already inherited schizo from parental genes....
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