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Most trusted seed vendor sites?

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I mean how do we know the seeds we buy are not just seeds tbhat have been mixed up while moving inventory around or how do we know they are just not bag seed?




That's why I only purchase seeds in breeders packs.


Naycha :peace:

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That's why I only purchase seeds in breeders packs.


Naycha :peace:


Yep and thats what i ask for these days fi there is an option. Herbies did the stealth thing and just put them in small capsules. Dope Seeds all came in packs.


Last order i got was from here all came in packs except the free seed and so far i have managed to germinate 5 of what i ordered.

Edited by MrTrimbole
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hi aussiebudslave, we're in the same state and i've ordered from herbies, attitude and marijuana-seeds.nl, some use stealth better than others but i've received all my orders. i've recently stumbled across southern star seeds, being in the same state as you and i they could be a viable option too, i'm going to give them a try in a couple of months.


good luck with your patch

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we sell good fresh seeds but I also believe that our competitors sell the top class seeds also . No seedbank purposefully sells bad seeds to any of its customers because we survive on repeat orders. I think the way seeds are now grown is the real problem. The old timers of cannabis growers did it real simple and managed to create unbelievable strains. You new guys listen to the old guys, because they are probably your grandpas who seem to make everything grow.

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I've bought seeds from Herbies, and I had a 100% germination rate. Also, they have excellent customer service, and furthermore I haven't found a place with better prices yet. 

Well I have great respect for everything Herbies do , fantastic company. I am sure we are cheaper with the same quality or better. But that is me just bragging, you decide, try us.

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