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question about winter growing

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hey guys, first time grower here

i planted my seeds about a month ago, i know it's not the time to plant but the temperature here is about 70 F most days, sometimes even more. (and if it won't work - at least it was a practice run)
BUT, the days are allready short. how, and when, can i get my plants to flower?
i'v looked everywhere but didn't find anything about growing outdoors at this time of year


thanks for the help!

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hey guys

 I live near the middle east, so yeah it's the northen hemisphere, sorry for the cunfusion

the days here are already shorter, and continuing to shorten. but the weather is great - winter here is like summer in most countries 

i guess what i realy want to know is how much time in general does the plants need to grow untill they can go into flowering? and, can i trick them into it by just putting them inside in a dark place so they'l feel like the days are getting shorter? (i need to put them in the house at night anyway, it gets realy cold)


again, thanks for the help, i'm kind of stuck(:

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They should soon start to flower naturally, without manipulating the dark hours.

If you try to do it how you mentioned, it would work but it would be a pain in the arse as you would have to be very consistent or you could shock them back and forth and maybe get some hermies.

It is the lowering of the light hours that set her to flower, not the length of veg time.

Unless you are using auto's

Edited by Train Wreck
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