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on/off usage and its affects

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Im almost certain Im posting in the wrong place, but couldnt seem to find a forum to fit my question so....

I'm a bit of a binge smoker, I go hardcore for afew weeks, then take a break and have afew weeks off smoking.

Every time I decide to quit, Im fine up until about day 7. Then I get really moody/depressed/angry. This lasts for another week or so until I start up again.

Can anyone tell me what the cause of this is? Does anyone else get similar problems?


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Everybody is different, effects are different with various strains. Binge on anything, then stop, will have negative effects. What do you call binging? How much are you smoking on the binges?


Age can be a factor. State of mind. Why do you binge? The crankiness passes for me after a couple of days, I don't binge though. I smoke when I have it and accept that when I don't have it, it is no big deal.


But I am a lot older than you! Never had that problem when young. Every Christmas was dry for us back in the 70's we got over it ok.

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From what I understand of the human endocannabinoid system, smoking cannabis suppresses the body from making it's own THC. Yes, we make THC within our bodies.
When you stop smoking, it takes the body some time to kick start again and start making it's own.

I usually find the first few days of not smoking I'm fine, then for about a week after that I feel lousy, almost as if I have the flu. Super tired, achy joints, oh, and irritable as all fuck, even more so than just my usual BP irritability.


After this passes I start feeling "normal" again.

Ultimately, I put it down to THC receptors being all bound up, and then when they free up, go spaz because the body hasn't started producing it's own THC to satisfy these receptors.



I'm only sharing what I understand of what I've learned about humans and cannabis. :)


Good luck and I hope you're feeling better soon.

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Not sure what information youre wishing to gather. If you are enduring a stressful life and remain relaxed and at ease (stoned) for a period of time what would you think would happen when the induced state of relaxation is removed ? Bingo. a rebound effect to the stressful,depressed pre-stoning (prior to medicating with canna) state. Disequilibrium back to a less relaxed state of being. All cannabis use is medical, as anything that allows us to remain relaxed and stress-free intrinsically has this effect. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death world-wide and stress is a leading factor of heart disease. If you were to experience a lifetime of stress what would occur if you were to suddenly experience a day of total relaxation? Something to ponder on?.. The uplifting anti-depressant effects of cannabis are removed so you therefore experience the "blue's" ? Keep toking :)


Don't stop smoking canna if it assists you wholesomely.


Katt, now i know youre the mad scientist around here and all, but our bodies dont endogenously create THC per-se. We do though create a cannabinoid endogenously though, its called anandamide.

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Im almost certain Im posting in the wrong place, but couldnt seem to find a forum to fit my question so....

I'm a bit of a binge smoker, I go hardcore for afew weeks, then take a break and have afew weeks off smoking.

Every time I decide to quit, Im fine up until about day 7. Then I get really moody/depressed/angry. This lasts for another week or so until I start up again.

Can anyone tell me what the cause of this is? Does anyone else get similar problems?

Belle, you might need to think of weed more as a medication as opposted to recreation; by the sounds of things THC might be medicating for something.

Could I get a bit more info. When you binge how offten do you smoke and how much will you put away when you do? If you have weed infornt of you do you need to emplty the bowl. Or can you cover it up and come back to it later on. When you smoke do you get sad and teary , when u dont smoke do you can sad and teary?

After you smoke how do you feel? Creative relaxted, agitated but happy?

When did you first start smoking how was that? how did u feel before the smoke, what was life like before your first smoke; when was that?

Do you currently sleep and eat ok, does this improove or not after a smoke?


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Katt, now i know youre the mad scientist around here and all, but our bodies dont endogenously create THC per-se. We do though create a cannabinoid endogenously though, its called anandamide.


Yes, I am aware it's not the exact same chemical, it's is THC analogue.


I just didn't want to go into the whole biochemistry of it all.


I WAS trying to KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.

I mean, Keep It Strictly Simple.


OP was asking about feeling like shit without canna, I was just summing it up. In a SIMPLE manner.

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