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Possible Treatment for Marijuana Abuse Found

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Our bodies feel drugs because the chemicals that are in them replicate the ones we naturally produce or are so structurally similar that they can cause a reaction anyway.  Blocking the ability for the brain to use any drug means that it can't use what should naturally be available which to me sounds like a permanent come down and could explain why people got massively depressed and even suicidal in previous attempts at blocking access to cannabinoids.  There will never be a pill like that which works and the sooner people realise that you can't be lazy and treat addiction with a prescription the better.

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Years ago when I was what they called "a little shit" (Now I'm what they call a big shit lol ) I ended up in court a few times. Mr Judge man told me 'next time You'll be going on a holiday  >:( ' 'ahh next time, so what :attitude: ' 

Then the next time came around. Oh Shit. Now I heard all these stories about goin to rehab instead of the bighouse, thought 'yea, I could do that lol '

OH SHIT BAD IDEA lol but it was too late. Off to rehab they sent me.

For 1 month I was in detox, firkin shakes, sweats and awful dreams. Then into program, 2 months of 'programming' and I had to work 'outside'. So walk to work, work for the day then walk back. But I met an old associate and well things progressed. Next piss test BANG.

They came in all hard and heavy 'we'll send you inside to finish your time. One more chance, But........ " They had this stuff called 'anti abuse' and as part of their 2nd chance was that I had to take anti abuse. So I took it for a week then back to work and back to seeing the associate. WELL I WILL NEVER TAKE ANY THING LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN. Cramps sweats vomit shits I have never been so god damn violently ill in all my life no 3 day bender, no mushies, no wog has ever made me feel so bloody sick. This stuff had me excreting from every orifice and the cramps had me buckled over. It was bad. The idea being, that it is so bad you stop using. "piss off, stop using. Nahh stop taking that firkin anti abuse


So I have to agree with Doc. 'Swapping the witch for the bitch' doesn't work. And blocking the uptake of a substance messes up you bodies natural chemistry of dealing with such toxins. IT IS NOT WISE TO USE ANTIABUSE. If you've got a problem deal with it but taking a drug to fix a drug problem WTF?? 



Edited by merl1n
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thats musta been a terrible ordeal for you merl1n, quite shocking to hear of such foul methods


the 'new study' mentioned says "could prevent people  etc."


i could have won the lottery if i bought a ticket right?


surely these looney doctors researchers have lost touch with reality

they have no credibility

if you wanna understand weed then you gotta get down and get off ya scone on some killer budz

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"Possible Treatment for Marijuana Abuse Found"


Don't take ya personal problems out on ya plants, plants need love too......  Hope this treatment works............. lol


As absurd as the actual story...... just labotomise our brains and be done with it, then we just be ya slaves, instead of slaves to ya medications.....



Peace. Nibbler

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