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Medical usage of Marijuana



Over the years, alternative medicine has become a popular approach to relieving everything from back pain to depression. Aromatherapy, acupuncture, crystal therapy and many more, were common replacements to the traditional doctor's office visit. Another method of alternative healing is medicinal cannabis / marijuana. People have used marijuana as a medical treatment for thousands of years. Such uses extend even to modern America. Marijuana was listed by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, the organization that sets quality standards for approved drugs in the United States, until the 1940s, when political pressure against marijuanas recreational use triggered its removal. Despite the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that state laws allowing medicinal use of marijuana must bow to federal law banning it, proponents still tout this controversial plant's ability to treat pain, nausea and other uncomfortable side effects of marijuana treatment as well as some disease symptoms.

Marijuana contains at least 60 chemicals called cannabinoids. Scientists studying marijuana's potential medical uses have found that it may help treat a variety of conditions. One of THC's medical uses, best supported by research is the treatment of nausea. It helps to reduce nausea and weight loss in people with AIDS. Glaucoma is the third-leading cause of blindness in the United States is marked by increased pressure in the eyeball, which can lead to vision loss. In the early 1970s, scientists discovered that smoking marijuana reduces pressure in the eyes. THC also works in treating cancer painas codeine, a mild pain reliever. Cannabinoids also appear to enhance the effects of opiate pain medications to provide pain relief at lower dosages.

Research results on the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of the tremors, muscle spasms and pain of multiple sclerosis (MS) — a disease of the nervous system that can cause muscle pain — are mixed. Cannabinoids significantly reduced pain in cases of people with multiple sclerosis. Marijuana also protects the human body from any kind of nerve related damage that occurs during any diseases. Usage of marijuana as a medicine is not a new thing to adopt it has been around since the appearance of mankind.


Edited by Naycha
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