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When to flower

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Hey Judge,

First off, Follow the advice given by others here, 'flip now', to add to this tho, I'm a SCROG man myself and Louise is on the money '.....keep poking the growth under the screen...' Fill the screen up so that you have a bud stem per hole. Once your longest stems get to the outside of your netting allow your growth to come up thru the netting. Now I use two trailer nets to support the upward growing bud on two different levels, as your scrog netting isn't large you could get away with one large trailer net folded over at two heights, to support the weight of the bud. In reality I have 3 nets, the steel netting of my table which is for training, then 8-12 inches goes my first trailer net this supports the upward growth then at crown bud level goes my final net. The final net holds the buds upright and stops them leaning over and snapping.

I have posted some pics in the pic dump previously, but Im buggered if I could find them but they are in there somewhere lol go have a look


Here are some of my other pics


If you look closely you can see the trailer nets, well one of them at least lol



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