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Mardigrass May 1st & 2nd

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Nimbin's Twelfth MardiGrass and 'Just Say Know' Cannabis Law Reform Weekend on the 1 and 2 May has already attracted early campers in the village.

"MardiGrass is now an international cultural event which is very popular in the backpackers' calendar as well," said Michael Balderstone, spokesperson for the annual Rally. "It is a unique event which suits our unique community. It's an added bonus that it has real purpose and meaning for a lot of people."


This year's MardiGrass is tackling the difficult subject of cannabis and mental health with a "Pot Psychosium" to be held in the Nimbin Town Hall on Saturday 1 May from 12 noon.


"As the name suggests, the discussion will examine the mental health aspects of today's cannabis use in Australia. We have invited doctors and other health professionals and urge concerned parents and young cannabis users to also attend".


"We hope the mothers who were on the front page of The Northern Star a couple of times in the last year saying their children had ended up in Richmond Clinic after smoking cannabis will come forward and tell their stories, for example", said Michael.


John Howard, Director of Clinical Services for the Ted Noffs Foundation, will facilitate the discussion and it is expected the Prime Minister's Chief Drug Adviser, Major Brian Watters, is also attending.


"'Cannabis psychosis' is the big stick used by prohibitionists these days and we hope to explore whether it's made of hardwood or hollow", said Michael.


"We hope to identify what is really going on from the experts in the field and gain some sort of consensus on what can be done to minimise harm, under the current constraints of prohibition."


The MardiGrass Opening Ceremony is in Peace Park at sunset on Friday, 30 April, with Bundjalung Elders and a Ganja Harvest Dance performance by local musicians and dancers, Voodoo Jive, followed by the Annual Picker's Ball.


The Hemp Olympix opens at 11am on Saturday for the now famous Joint Rolling, Bong Throwing and Growers' Iron Person Events. There are more heats on Sunday morning followed by the finals, again all compered by masters of laughter S Sorrensen and Alan Glover.


The rest of the weekend is a smorgasbord of book launches, film premieres, concerts, exhibitions, performances, the inaugural Marijuana Music Awards at the Rainbow Cafe, Pot Poetry and Pot Art, the Cannabis Cup, Harvest Festival Ball, MardiGrass Markets and much more all over and around the village which comes together for the Big Protest March and Rally for Cannabis Law Reform at 1pm on Sunday.


The Kombi Konvoy travels from Byron Bay this year on Saturday to arrive in Nimbin at 4.20pm to join the Million Marijuana March, happening simultaneously around the earth in almost 300 cities on the weekend.


MardiGrass is a grass roots movement and volunteers are its backbone.

MardiGrass relies on local volunteers who can also guide international tourists who volunteer at MardiGrass.


An all weekend MardiGrass pass costs only $20, payable on arrival. The Nimbin HEMP Embassy is a non-profit group which believes this important cultural weekend should be accessible for all comers.


The latest program can be seen on www.nimbinmardigrass.com Anyone organising anything who wants to be in the program should forward details to the Nimbin HEMP Embassy within the next week. All enquiries to:


nimbin HEMP embassy

51 Cullen St

Nimbin NSW 2480

ph/fax 02 6689 1842

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