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I know Purple is pretty. I was looking at the HT cannabis cup droolery seconds ago; and it occured to me... We have the potential now to rediscover something that has been lost.

Collectively we have chosen Purple as the gorme hue, the clour to go for for something extra. And i agree they are a beautiful bud. However, we should be looking for brighter shades of yellow, the yellower the better? dunno But history records a legendary plant the had outa this world properties.

I belive one of the lost ingredients to the original soma, was a TYPE od cannabis. this variety was harvested to extinction.

DNA is xenomophic (IMO- from what Ive seen). Thus if you were to take canna put her in the environment that the original yellow came from... it was cold sunny and wet, then eventually  the DNA will yeild the YELLOW bud once more, Yellow and hairy.

So please stop breading for purple and insted select the yelowest hues in the bud, eventually someone will hit pay dirt, and iTiC is your newest bestes friend.

That plus a few other things, and an industrious scientist could put together something the world hasnt seen for a long time.


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Nothing to do with purple buds, but caught a glimpse of stuff on youtube about mono-atomic (or was it diatomic?) gold. Dudes take it and it effects were same as for SOMA, ie massive channels of knowledge opened up. Think there were some dudes even saying it was this gold that was in the arc of the covenant ! Dunno, need to look into it.


I remember you posting about purple plants being about 20% down on production compared with a similar green plant due to decreased photosynthetic potential, I wonder if this would also be a factor for yellow strains ?

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