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Bitcoin Falls 15% Following FBI’s Silk Road Seizure

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something maybe more relevant to oz stoners seeing as purchases can be made with bitcoins here..




ive often read about bitcoins but never trusted them enough to delve into them. nothing anonymous is ever anonymous on the internet. imo they may even draw unwanted attention.


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The relative anonymity might be something that attracts some to use bitcoins if they are using them for illegal perposes. Thus why it was a popular currency used by the users of silkroad no doubt.


But that's where any conection between a site like silkroad and bitcoin currency ends. Don't go thinking bitcoins are dodgy or using them "may even draw unwanted attention" Kilindi just because of a site like silkroad. It would be like saying trading with the $AU is dodgy and may even draw unwanted attention because criminal gangs trade with it.


There is nothing illegal or dodgy about bitcoins anymore than there is any other currency you can legally trade with. In fact bitcoins are less dodgy than most if not all 'mainstream' currencys currently used many believe as they are not controlled by any central bank or government.


Currency, stocks, banking, futures markets etc all round the planet are are regularly affected in value when a 'scandle' occures involving a sector of the market. Bitcoins are no different thus the drop in value seen. Like most markets such a small 'scandle' doesn't affect things long though and values recover quickly as has already started to happen with bitcoins  http://www.businessinsider.com.au/bitcoin-is-making-a-comeback-after-a-horror-session-overnight-2013-10


:peace: MongyMan

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But that's where any conection between a site like silkroad and bitcoin currency ends. Don't go thinking bitcoins are dodgy or using them "may even draw unwanted attention" Kilindi just because of a site like silkroad. It would be like saying trading with the $AU is dodgy and may even draw unwanted attention because criminal gangs trade with it.


Perfectly said!

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