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End Of The Silk Road: FBI Says It's Busted The Web's Biggest A

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Was that an order within Australia? I had never really considered there might be sellers from within the country on it.


Yes, all my orders were from within Australia, there were maybe 10 to 15 Ozzie sellers [of weed - wasn't looking for anything else].  It was really nice to be able to get buds at all, and the quality of the stuff I got was pretty good, though I wasn't paying top dollar and whilst the sellers were selling at street prices for the buyer it worked out a bit more expensive because of having to buy the bitcoins.  There were some nice strains for sale but selling around the equivalent of $800 an oz!!!  which I definitely wasn't prepared to pay.


I had a look at the Sheep marketplace last night and see that there are at least 2 Oz sellers on there already that I recognise from the SR.

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on two occasions i bought a gram of md off silk road with no issues. it was cheaper than the going street price, convenient and good quality, nice chunky crystals, one lot with a strong sassafras smell...incomplete synthesis maybe??

domestic post is no issue when it comes to posting small amounts of drugs, so i wasnt 2 worried, tho i still used a dud address just in case.

i think it's a shame its closed down. i don't often buy street drugs so rarely have the right contacts when i want to and silk road helped solve that.


might look into the other places that have been mentioned. anyone have experience wih them?

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hey crowsange, were you growing at the time you were ordering weed from silk road? i can understand you not being worried about cops chasing you for an oz or so, but if you were growing, you have further to fall than if you were just buying.


I was actually....  It sort of just didn't occur to me to be concerned.  I didn't see a single review of orders going astray from the sellers I purchased from so I didn't really consider the risk.  Obviously your post has given me food for thought though and, disappointingly, I will reconsider whether I should make any of these type of purchases again.


Feeling rather blonde really:)



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I was actually....  It sort of just didn't occur to me to be concerned.  I didn't see a single review of orders going astray from the sellers I purchased from so I didn't really consider the risk.  Obviously your post has given me food for thought though and, disappointingly, I will reconsider whether I should make any of these type of purchases again.


Feeling rather blonde really:)




hehe sorry crowsange. :) but it's good to be careful and i don't think you can ever be too careful when playing this game.


if you do order from somewhere like silk road again, get a fake address. a friend uses a house up the road from his that is empty. he regularly goes and clears out the old mail so it looks like someone is living there and then uses that address. it's worked well for him so far. ;)

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