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End Of The Silk Road: FBI Says It's Busted The Web's Biggest A

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the fbi have taken down the silk road and arrested the creator of it. had to happen at some point i guess.










this was the most sophisicated online drug trading website ever. yet for all the anonymity the fbi still cracked it. i wonder how long until something similar crops up?

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I was reading about this last night. The guy that ran it, I have to say, was pretty stupid was staying in the US while operating the site. The FBI have been tracking the site for ages now, so it's not like he had no idea that they may work out who was behind it eventually. If I were in his position, I would have moved country long ago.


Now I wonder if they're going to track all the dealers and buyers who used the website?


Doubtful it'll affect many in Australia. Get mailed drugs from overseas has always been possible and never been a good idea and the like of Silk Road didn't change the game at all here.



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No loss IMO. Any site that allows people to sell and buy credit card details and passwords is pretty fucked up.

Unless they go bust the buyers then it's probably a good thing it's been shut down. Had it only been drugs that were being traded, I'd probably feel differently, but people were being hurt with this site.


I did like the name tho lol

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Very sad about the silk road closure.  I live in a very small rural community and scoring weed is just not something I can do here.  I made several very satisfactory purchases of cannabis [and seeds] off the silk road - my last order was placed on Sunday and seller hadn't dispatched it when the SR was shut down so assume I will not receive it.  Not too disappointed about the $100 out of pocket, just devastated that I will now have to start smoking my very green and uncured, recently harvested, buds which I was hoping not to have to touch for another month yet. 


Not at all concerned about the anonymity factor - if the cops could be bothered tracking me down for the 1 1/2 ounces total I've purchased, good luck to them!


I do agree that some of the purposes for which it was used were not good though.

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I read that the site was brought undone by the owner being careless and asking for help with the site using an old online account that had his personal information still on it.  He changed the details 2 minutes after posting the questions and thats how they started getting legit proof of who was running the site and could take the matter further.  Its also been said that the ddos attack silk road suffered was leo watching the exit node traffic and then pressing the host for copies of the site once they worked out who to hit.   I also read that leo supplied cocaine and perfect fake IDs on there and that the owner tried using them to arrange a hit because he was being blackmailed.   Even still though it seems like it was the normal internet that got the site in trouble.  From what I read on reddit the fbi considers tor very hard to track users on and bitcoins when put into those anonymous pooling services that mix everyone's money up are almost impossible to trace back to the person using them.  Point being if you take the right precautions and don't be careless on the internet when running the ebay of the illicit worl on the dark net you'll be right as rain.


Personally I think the biggest concern is that its been estimated that over 90% of PMs weren't encrypted and are plain as day for leo to read.  Since leo had the server for a good six months I would be a tad worried if I sent a single unencrypted message. 

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Momentus yesterday, to be forgotten tomorrow. There are already other like it out there, Atlantis being one of them.



Very sad about the silk road closure.  I live in a very small rural community and scoring weed is just not something I can do here.  I made several very satisfactory purchases of cannabis [and seeds] off the silk road - my last order was placed on Sunday and seller hadn't dispatched it when the SR was shut down so assume I will not receive it.  Not too disappointed about the $100 out of pocket, just devastated that I will now have to start smoking my very green and uncured, recently harvested, buds which I was hoping not to have to touch for another month yet. 


Not at all concerned about the anonymity factor - if the cops could be bothered tracking me down for the 1 1/2 ounces total I've purchased, good luck to them!


I do agree that some of the purposes for which it was used were not good though.


Was that an order within Australia? I had never really considered there might be sellers from within the country on it.

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