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Smell Much Of A Problem Outdoors?


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How much of a concern is the smell of pot outdoors? Does it really stand out from other greenery? A few times now I've caught a strong whiff of what I thought was Pot but I've never found any by following my nose. Usually I just stumble onto small plots. Should I be wary of which way the wind is blowing? Seems like a minor thing on a big acreage but I can't help wondering how far from the house would be a safe distance. I'm only talking about a couple of small ladies.
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Sorry Blaze. I am aware of how stupid this mudslinging contest is but I'm the one under attack here. The WC and Pipeman tag team seems to be in love with me. I'm more than happy to bring this to an end but as you can see above....... well .....I'm being stalked. ::P:


Refined and civilised as it might be to roll over and display ones throat at the first sign of a growling dog I honestly prefer biting back. :)

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Sticks and stones WilderBud. :) My opinions are as valid as anyone elses until proven wrong and you are welcome to try and shoot them down. Any Jackass can say "DUH, I THINK YU IS STOOPID." ::P:


Taking the time out to show why an opinion is stupid takes a brain.

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