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yer not to keen on the greasy shit leave that for the bedroom me thinks but will definatly be adding a shit wad of garlic to me next chilli spray mix although the lotion that i got is easy on the nose and easily washed off cant imagine the garlic would be to easy to get off be smellin like i wog for the next week lmao
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hi louise the cream i got is lyclear its a scabies cream lmao but seems to be working cost me $19.80 well worth the piece of mind no real smell or oily residue either although i still shower and check extensively been out a couple times now and not one tick since useing the cream happy as a pig. oh the girl at the chemist did say that there is an oral dose ivermectim for humans if the cream don't work but not to sure about that. why the big concern about chilli and garlic spray on skin besides the obvious smell and possibly wiping it in eyes.
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at this stage the permethrin cream is working fine, so no real need for the chilli and garlic spray. i think i have found where all my ticks have been coming from. i've been taking compost from a couple of old turkey mounds to use in my plots but not 100% sure if im right. thankfully that part is now completed. i guess the only way to tell now will be to do the trek without the cream on and see what happens.
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Have you ever got chilli juice on your skin? You would have to be a serious masochist to to it intentionally. It burns like hell and takes quite a while to subside. I expect rubbing fresh garlic on sensitive skin would be unpleasant too.


Just go a commercial insect repellent. I fairly certain that Bushman says it repels ticks (but check that).


Edit: you replied just as I did! I see you have it sorted. Excellent. :)

Edited by ethnoman
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