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Use of ‘hillbilly heroin’ rising

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Sept. 30, 2013, 8:02 a.m. Tamworth's streets are awash with a powerful prescription drug dubbed “hillbilly heroin” and police have linked its rise to a spate of recent crimes.

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Tamworth's streets are awash with a powerful prescription drug dubbed “hillbilly heroin” and police have linked its rise to a spate of recent crimes


The painkiller Oxycontin, nicknamed “hillbilly heroin” because its effects in high doses mirror those of the illegal drug, has spawned a booming black market in Tamworth. The market is being fuelled by the ready availability of the drug, with police saying dealers – some legitimate pain sufferers – are “doctor shopping” for prescriptions.


The dealers then sell the tablets on the street for up to $50 each, meaning one packet can fetch more than $1000.

Acting Oxley local area commander Jeff Budd said tighter regulations needed to be put in place to prevent the illegal spread of the opiate.

“There is a significant trade in prescription medication in this community and a lot of it revolves around Oxycontin,” Acting Superintendent Budd said.

“We’ve seen numerous examples of targeted crime with prescription medication and it’s resulted in a number of assaults. It’s been increasing dramatically in the last five years as Oxycontin becomes the medicine of choice for doctors to issue. We know of offenders who go ‘doctor shopping’ for it and there seems to be no effective regulation to stop it.”

He would not be drawn on whether Thursday’s alleged armed hold-up of a Tamworth pharmacist was linked to the drug.

An Oxycontin addict, who was originally prescribed the drug for tooth pain last year and did not wish to be named, said the drug was selling on the black market for $1 per milligram.

“You can swallow them as tablets or dissolve them and shoot them up,” he said.


“I started using it as a painkiller, but it gives you a euphoric feeling when you take it and helps you sleep when you’re coming down.”

Lyn Gardner from Hunter New England Health District’s drug and alcohol unit said while most clients turned to the service for marijuana and alcohol issues, Oxycontin use accounted for about one-in-25 presentations. She said those seeking treatment could do so by calling the service’s central intake number on 1300 660 059.

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This shit has got me perplexed.

I attended a lecture; at this lecture when questioning the dectective talking he confirmed that the % of useres or 'addicts' has remained static.

However that data he was prsenting didnt seem to match that 'fact'.

More ppl are abusing Oxycontin MS(etc). yet the over all % of teh population didnt change despite the fact that MORE Ox is being sold.

So the 'dealers' have found a way of making more money off a small population, an unchanging population size.


If this is true then we shoud get ourselves a dealer as the countries treasurer, assuming that we already dont.

The only way this make sence if if the Ox is killing its customer base while attracting an ever increacing number of uses that join the death attrition rate to keep the overall % down to 1%. Again this sounds absurd, and Im pretty sure we dont know the truth of the matter

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They make a new form of the pills here in the usa and they cant be shot or snorted.


They need to do that there,I was on them for my back,and it is hard to quit them.

Peace Out



That doesn't solve the problem as people are just as addicted to swallowing the pills.


Naycha :peace:

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yep, you still get a high from oral ingestion, it just doesn't hit as fast. the solution would lie closer to stricter prescription guidelines i expect.



Sorry  but that is the problem now.


If the peeps that want it could get it at a pharmacy with no script like in other countries. 


It seems to take the charm of doing something bad or cool or just against the law away and people dont do any or as much.


I quit over 200 milligrams of morphine,it can be done if you are not weak minded.


Harder to quite than coke but still the same.


Peace Out


Peace out

Skunkxxx….see what drugs do lol

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Does anyone see the irony of it being called 'hillbilly heroine' when in fact it's pharma grade and therefore almost guanteed to be higher purity than the real thing? Just thought i'd mention that..



This is stupid….


You know nothing of what you speak.


Are you saying swallowing tablets is not addictive? Ive never had used oxycodone before, only endone, but i can see how it would be addictive if you had an ongoing supply.



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Does anyone see the irony of it being called 'hillbilly heroine' when in fact it's pharma grade and therefore almost guanteed to be higher purity than the real thing? Just thought i'd mention that..




Are you saying swallowing tablets is not addictive? Ive never had used oxycodone before, only endone, but i can see how it would be addictive if you had an ongoing supply.



No, Its strong ass shit.I could get 5 dollars a milligram for them as we dont have them here in US now.


The new ones are like beer and liquor diff in the affect junkies look for.


Where is this ongoing supply going to come from? peeps that really need them are having a hard time getting meds not just them.Opanas are what i take for pain sometimes I with draw in 12 hrs with them,and it is strong shit.I am phys hooked on them ,but not mentally.


I can quit today if I want to.


Peace Out 


Edited by Skunkxxx
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