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Push To 'tell Truth' On Cannabis

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I just think, what would the world be like today if alcohol had been prohibited, and pot legalized? Heaps different! I barely touch alcohol now, too many stupid nights on it, and I hate hangovers too lol Although, a couple of cones is a good hangover cure lol
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The only reason that the strength of pot has "increased", is that in the 60's pot was sold as leaf, tip,stem and some head/bud. These days it is pretty much purely bud. So when you compare the average quantity of THC in a mixture with only a little bit of bud, tothe THC in bud only, then of course it will seem like todays pot is higher in THC! Cause youre only getting the part of the plant with the highest THC content. More govt half truths!! :D


Also here is a bit of useless pot history/info for you. When pot was sold in the late 60's & 70's here in Oz, the pot was wrapped around a shish-kebab type stick and help in place with cotton string - This is where the term "stick" originated. Later as people complained that the pot was crumbling, breaking and generally falling off, the whole stick was then wrapped in tinfoil. Later again, people got tired of wrapping it around the stick & just rolled it in tinfoil. Just thought people might be interested to know! :D

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