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Push To 'tell Truth' On Cannabis

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The Howard Government's drug taskforce is launching a new offensive against marijuana, with a booklet that the taskforce's head says will "tell the truth" and combat the "trivialisation" of the drug's dangers.


Australian National Council on Drugs chairman Brian Watters yesterday said a "pro-marijuana lobby" had successfully promoted the idea that cannabis was no more dangerous than alcohol and should be legalised.


"I think there has been a really concerted effort in some quarters to trivialise its effects," he said. "The pro-marijuana lobby have done very well. They are very, very active."


Major Watters said the booklet would counter these perceptions by bringing together all of the latest research in a balanced, non-ideological way.


"It's not going back to Reefer Madness," Major Watters said, referring to the 1936 cautionary film from the United States, which has gained a modern cult following. "But it's not going to be given the imprimatur of the hemp embassy at Nimbin either.


"It tells the truth... what the research really says about marijuana."


Marijuana is Australia's most widely used illicit drug. A third of Australians have tried it and one in eight have smoked it in the past year, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare figures show.


Major Watters, a Salvation Army officer with extensive experience in drug management, said he was "very opposed" to marijuana because he had seen the damage it did.


But David Crosby, another member of the council who expressed a more liberal view, said the booklet would provide non-judgemental information that allowed people to decide.


"There's very different views (on the council) about what we should do in relation to cannabis," said Mr Crosby, who is also Odyssey House chief executive.


Mr Crosby said heavy marijuana use was dangerous, but an "occasional joint" was probably no more harmful than an occasional drink, provided the casual user had no family history of mental illness. But because there was no summary of the latest research in Australia, a divided council decided the booklet was best, he said.


Marijuana has been linked with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, but opinion differs on whether it causes psychosis or simply triggers latent mental illness.


Major Watters dismissed the distinction. "I've always said, 'Who cares?' If my son suddenly develops schizophrenia, I don't care whether the marijuana caused it or triggered it," he said. "The result is he has a great deal of turmoil in his mind."


The council has commissioned the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre to create the booklet, expected to be published this year.


Centre spokesman Paul Dillon said the booklet would strive to avoid trivialising or demonising the drug.


"With everything we produce around cannabis, we try to keep a balance and give information that is accurate, up-to-date and does not push a barrow," he said.



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In an earlier thread I spoke of producing a small easy to read and direct to the point booklet summarising Marijuana's true effects. That this book is sponsored by the Government gives me great cause for alarm but on the bright side it makes our job easier. Once the book comes out we can respond with a rebuttal book. Something picking their claims apart and scrutinising their accuracy. I'm sure the Hemp Embassy and other pro-cannabis movements are already waiting to get their hands on a copy with this mission on their minds. It might not get the publicity this Government paper will but nobody really reads Government booklets anyway.
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Guest niall
it makes our job easier. Once the book comes out we can respond with a rebuttal book. Something picking their claims apart and scrutinising their accuracy.

I've been thinking the exact same thing since I saw this article last week. If anyone is interested in contributing please PM me - I think we could get a few hundred printed up along with some posters and email media releases out to point out their limited view of "the truth"...

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maybe posting a new topic about it...you could get the same ideas over and over again...

a good one i was thinking of is, they say the potency of marijuana has increased from being 1% in the 70's to being 25% or watever it is now, well they say that is a bad thing, but its actually a good thing as less smoke would be required to achieve effects :P

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gday everyone, i live in perth and now in every pub and club and also our local stoner shop JV they have posters up from the government saying what "could" happen if you smoke dope. with dramatic pictures and stuff. for a liberated country why do we still not have the choice whether to do the other "soft" drug... cannabis, they class alcohol as a soft drug and ive seen more damage from alcohol use through liver disease etc.


just my two cents :P

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We should put up posters showing what "might", nay, what is "likely" to happen if you vote for Lib or Lab at the next general election. More potholes in roads, higher unemployment, more crime, more money wasted on stupid schemes like fighting the inevitable legalisation of marijuana.




P.S I'm serious.

Edited by Chong
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ive seen more damage from alcohol use through liver disease etc

Oh yeah same here... So many car crashes and fights and oh heaps of bad stuff with alcohol... the worst with pot i can remember is.... spilling the bong on the carpet.

alcohol is mega evil and is legal, pot is chilled and illegal..

...and cigaretts, why the hell are they legal? that shit has got to be more addictive and worse for ones insides than smokin pot?

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Hello every1.This is my opinion 1 The government doesnt want us to think for ourselfs 2 They r making more money the way the law is now than if it was legal as it is so easy to grow we wouldnt need to buy from them 3 They want us out there working for them instead of at home smoking weed (Not all people bludge after smoking lol)Its fucked eh but thats the way it is and will be for the next 20-30 years lol I really hope it does change sooner for the better of this country Some1 needs to do somthing theres more of us than cops we should all go on a march and run a muck really be heard and dont stop until they listen lol as it is not a evil weed its a peaceful herb that needs to be reconized :P
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