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Police 'unembarrassed' By Drug Tip

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Sydney police on Sunday denied they were embarrassed to be tipped off by journalists that a busy inner-city convenience store was allegedly selling drugs over the counter.


The owner of an Oxford Street convenience store was charged on Sunday with drug possession following a police operation launched only after officers were alerted by a newspaper on Friday to alleged drug-dealing in the city's nightclub district.


The story published in Sydney's Sunday Telegraph newspaper on Sunday alleges a journalist was able to buy $40 worth of marijuana and an ecstasy tablet by asking for `tally-ho' and `pills' over the convenience store counter.


Over four days journalists observed a steady stream of customers buying marijuana and ecstasy in the same manner, the newspaper said.


NSW Premier Bob Carr said he was "very concerned" at allegations ecstasy and marijuana were being sold over the counter.


But he rejected claims by opposition leader John Brogden that police should be embarrassed a newspaper was able to expose an alleged drug dealing operation before charges were laid.


"From time to time the public will see drugs being traded and give that information to police," Mr Carr told reporters.


"The media ... are entitled to carry out their investigations, but as long as the police end up getting information they can act on, I'm happy.


"It's because police have got information like that that we've had record hauls of illegal drugs."


NSW Assistant Commissioner Bob Waites admitted the alleged drug dealing was brazen, but also denied police were embarrassed at acting on media investigations.


"I don't see it as embarrassing at all," he said.


"In fact 99 per cent of information we get from drugs comes from members of the community."


Mr Brogden said it was alarming drugs could be sold over the counter at a convenience store and that children could access them.


"To think that in the heart of the nightclub district of Sydney there's a possibility that drugs are being sold literally over the counter to anyone who walks through the door is simply appalling," he said.


"There's every chance these drugs are being sold to kids as old as 15 and 16.


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