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Force Flowering (help!)

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Hi Guys, Ive just recently started my first grow op outdoors. They're 6 days old and going strong. I just started reading up on force flowering but all the info I could find is from the norhern hemisphere which makes it so complicated with the seasons of the year. Wondering if anyone can tell me how much light I should give them for force flowering and how old should they be when I do it?


Thanks heaps:)

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the only way to flower is change the photoperiod (unless auto flowering strain) - most common light setting for flowering is 12/12 .. as for outdoors it will swing between 13/11. i don't know about forcing it in anyway or how if it's outdoors  ... you can't change the sun :/

Edited by The Stoned Jester
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yeah well then like i said above the most common flowering time is 12 on / 12 off.


so figure out how long your days are currently - this is a chart for perth http://members.iinet.net.au/~jacob/riseset.html if that helps (+ or - your time difference)


we just started getting 12 hour days of light on the 19th. so plants outside now would still flower, but the days are getting longer,perth sits between 10:05 and 14:15 hours daylight hours so thats only a 6 hour gap so i don't know what the exact cut off point for plants to go into vegetative state.


so doesnt matter where you are as long as they get 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark they should flower.

Edited by The Stoned Jester
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