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Imagine This.....

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Imagine for one moment that we had two races of people arrive on our shores. One is called the Alcohol Race, the other is called the Cannabis Race.


Now, Alcohol proceeded to kill 3,000 plus of our people every year that it was here and hospitalised thousands more. Meanwhile, Cannabis was never recorded as having killed anyone and only sent a few people to the emergency room (and most of those were part Alcohol or one of the other races of Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy and GHB)


Alcohol also got many of its people in the paper on a constant basis by causing disturbances, assaulting other people, driving cars when they shouldn't have been, and much, much more. The race of Cannabis meanwhile, was a peaceful and non-violent race that only wanted to be left alone to get on with their lives, but were drawn into the newspapers by assumptions, speculations and lies, mostly perpetrated by those who were in alliance with the race of Alcohol.


Now here is the million dollar question. Which race of people is welcomed with open arms, shown in a positive light all over tv, invited to our football, racing, and other sports venues (even having its name up in huge letters for all to see), has pictures of its group not once, not twice, not three times, but many times in each newspaper (both national and local) and has temples built to it in every single city, town and hamlet?


And which race of people is shunned, talked down about, victimized, ostracized, possibly loses their jobs, is harrassed, robbed from, fined, and sometimes jailed; is only ever shown in a negative light, yet would be quite happy just to sit at home, watch tv or a video, or go to a friend's house or perhaps a cafe where their other Cannabis kind could meet together for coffee and cake or a quiet smoke.


Well, there is only one race that the Government wants in this country. There is only one race that can pull the wool over the Governmen't eyes so convincingly, there is only one race that has the ability to singlehandedly destroy this nation.....and it's not the Cannabis race.


But, with the Alcohol race being the majority (94% of the population of our country favour alcohol and use it's products which are easy to get and pretty cheap) and the Cannabis race being the minority, with its products being constantly plundered, pillaged and destroyed -

if there was one race that the Government would deport, it would be the Cannabis Race.


It doesn't matter that the majority of the Cannabis race are honest, hard working, reliable, citizens and loving mothers and fathers, it doesn't matter that this Cannabis race contributes to taxes, buys things in this country, and would fight for this country if anyone came to its shores as enemies. It doesn't matter about any of that, because the Government and other Bodies in this supposedly Democratic, Tolerant, Non-Racist country with a 'fair go' for all, has a great aught against them and the poor Cannabis race has no idea why. They just know they are hated.


However, even with all the hate campaign against them, all the taunts and lies thrown at them and about them, the Cannabis race is going nowhere. It has remained steady for many years now, regardless of the fines, jail terms, and threats. They firmly believe they are doing nothing wrong, and more and more people are beginning to come over to their side and stand with them.


Alcohol, with all its fancy show and popularity is a dying Race (literally.....3,000 plus a year) and Cannabis is gaining in popularity, especially among the sick who are embracing the Cannabis Race with open arms. Doctors, Professors, Police, Judges, and other blue collar workers and white collar workers are changing their tune as they take time to really study 'from whence the Cannabis Race came from" and also how it can benefit the world.


We are a multi-cultural nation and there is room enough for the Cannabis race along with the Alcohol Race and the Pharmaceutical Race, along with all the other races that have been welcomed into Australia over the years.


There are good and bad in all races and it's about time that the Race of Cannabis was given a 'fair go' and 'equality'. In fact, many people would be quite shocked to learn that they have already been living with and near people from the Cannabis Race and most probably have not even know it, even when they've met them in the street or at work.


Yes, there are some members of the Cannabis Race that go overboard in their pursuit of fun in recreation, but nowhere near as many as those that go overboard in the Alcohol Race. The difference is that the majority of Alcohol Abusers and Misusers get away with stuff, and the Cannabis Abusers and Misusers get sent to 'jail' and the Cannabis users get a fine.


I, as a member of a race that is neither Alcohol nor Cannabis, welcome both races to these shores so long as they can keep themselves under control, don't cause trouble, and don't commit a crime. if they can do this, then they have the right to be responsible for themselves, and make their own choices.


"I am, you are, we are Australians".

(Copyright Jean Nentwig)

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how can you say that they should stay unde control keep out of trouble and dont do crimes.drinkin alcohol is not illegal unless you r under age and a majority of drinkers are under age.adn in some cases drinkin can cause violence and crimes.and do incredible damage to people and their lives and families. and on the other side mj its illegal in all of australia really and also its use can cause problems in families and lives if it becomes such a big problem. yeah well i just felt i should say that i dunno if its right but its wat i feel .
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a majority of drinkers are under age


??? I don't think so buddy. :wacko:


It's about teaching responsible use. Full stop. There is no "use" in the current models of prohibition, only "abuse". That has to change. Of course there will be people who are addicted to substances at one stage or another in their lives. It's just wrong to imprison those who choose to use a drug which is just as legitimate, if not more so than alcohol or nicoteine. And throw everyone else into the same boat who discovers that the laws have little to do with the realities of life vis-a-vis drugs.


It's scary. But to go around blaming the drugs themselves is really not going to solve anything. What you have to do to progress as a society is to realise that there is little moral reasoning behind the concept whatsoever, it's mostly just a "perception" created by a cross over between media and politics, shoving opinions down our throats whilst we're in school, deliberately emphasising the tiny minority and holding these up for all to see as excuses for banning a substance.


Plah.... Just had to say that. :D

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