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HID Lights.

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am i better to flower under a 430 sontagro or a 400HPS??


anyone got any lights for sale?

I would lean towards the HPS, but if you already have the Son-T then use that.



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The extra 30w of MH is putting out blue light when the plant is looking for red, there is also a slight power saving there as well, not enough of a reason to replace a Son-T but if you are going out to buy a new globe which is only going to be used for flowering then why would you spend the extra money for the more expensive globe and higher running costs?



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The extra 30w of MH is putting out blue light when the plant is looking for red, there is also a slight power saving there as well, not enough of a reason to replace a Son-T but if you are going out to buy a new globe which is only going to be used for flowering then why would you spend the extra money for the more expensive globe and higher running costs?



So you are not saying that the Son-T would be less effective in flowering, just that if you using a light for flowering only Son-T is a waste of money.


also there are some who say mixing HPS and MH spectrums in flower gives better results than straight HPS. who knows. but with my setup I'll be using HIDS for flowering only, so maybe I'll buy straight HPS globes.

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Having used all of the above lights in various combinations in the past I thought I would write about my experiences.

When I first started growing I only used a vertical 400w MH in chinamans hat for veg and flower. It did the job.

After some time I realised more light equals more yield. So I bought a 1000w horizontal. And immediately my yields increased and the time it took for the buds to mature decreased. MH does produce tight hard buds but more importantly the distances between each node is kept to a minimum.

I thought if 1 1000w horizontal MH is good how about 2. So I used two and yep yield sure did increase alot again. Mostly I thought it was because the light could penetrate to the bottom branches and there was no unwanted fluffy buds.

Then I heard about the benefits of HPS lighting So I got a 1000w horizontal HPS, used 1 1000w for veg and 3000w for flower and yep yields went out of control buds were fat and hard. but I had too much and not being a commercial grower it was getting a little out of control. So I scaled things down went to cardboard style grow made a mother room got a decent cloning kit used fluoros for cloning a couple weeks of veg, got rid of the big lights bought a couple of the son t-agro 400w and used grew as much I needed organically.

2 400w son t-agro for 6 clones, veg 6 weeks from cutting under the fluoros then under the two 400w son-t-agro in a scrog (more to support the weight of the buds than to fill out the screen) averaged 2 OZ per plant 12 Oz every 12 to 16 weeks. This I would have liked to increase with another 400w MH light but it got too hot in the cupboard and it wasnt really neccessary.

sayonara B)

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