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Seeds popped and planted- keep inside or outside?

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I popped a few seeds and planted them half an inch under soil in small-medium pots. Do i need to keep them inside in the warmth until they emerge or will they be fine outside. (its going to get to 8 degrees where i am situated). Last grow i left them outside but these seeds i payed money for so i want 100% success. Quick help appreciated

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seed & seedlings should always be protected if you can until big & strong enough to fend for them selves outdoors

the cold makes everything take longer & too much heat has it's own set of probs ( fried crispy tap root anyone ),

low to mid 20's ( 22 - 25 ) when germinating is good IMO




Ps A indoor outdoor at the same time is cool too on sunny days put outdoors when cool inside widow ledge 

     but don't bring in to your indoor grow if you have one once they've been outside , Bugs!

Edited by itchybromusic
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if i keep them indoors until they start first breaking the surface will they be okay to go out during the day after this and survive the cool nights? i dont mind it if they grow slow to begin with. I just don't have a place to put them inside during the day unfortunately where they will get enough light. I really should get a small indoor setup for the germinating process to avoid this in the future i guess.

p.s I do have 5 or so metre long fluros i could put in the spare bathroom, would this suffice as supplement lighting for the first two weeks? Sorry for being a newb, last time i just chucked a whole bunch of seeds in a big pot outside and took out the healthiest ones and everything went sweetvfrome there haha, must have just been beginners luck though

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The seedling on the left was 4 wks old and raised in temps between 14C and 25C. While the seedlings on the right were nearly 6 wks old and raised in temps between 4C and 25C.




Which sort of seedling would you prefer?


Note - seedlings were of the same strain, germinated in pots of the same potting mix.

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