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7 big myths about marijuana and legalization

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Just days after President Obama told the press through his spokesman that he was not prepared to change federal marijuana laws, the Justice Department announced last week that it would defer its right to challenge state laws legalizing marijuana in Washington and Colorado. Its decision not to enforce federal anti-marijuana laws in those states mark a significant change for the administration ...


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This is a load of Medical association tripe.  Tied to UN doctrine, they will choose (read purchase) the science to suit whatever outcome they would like.  Of course, the pills and tablets and whatever periphery are all commodities to be bought and sold-akin to the gm food control programs.  It is not legal because the state of mind of the ingesting individual (read Spirit) is allowed to make a choice w/o the din and rattle of constant peddling of 'science' and its wonders.  Science may have saved millions.  It has destroyed much, much more of creation and lives yes, even murder.  We shouldn't condemn science as evil, rather condemn the spirits of greed and profit which seem to be taking control in a quickening manner.  Just my two cen ts.


Peace all, may your loving spirits shine. v  :sun:

Edited by Vinno
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so the Christians are having a dig at mj.


the fact that this bloke is a churchy, and developed his book with a former congressman should be enough for anyone to reallise he is easily manipulated and fooled into beliving what he is told rather than actually having a reallistic argument against cannabis.

bunch of mumbo jumbo backed up with lies

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What a goose.  Here is a two second rebuttal to his claims...


1. Myth: Marijuana is harmless and non-addictive


Addiction is faced in all aspects of life due to the reward system in our brains.  We like things that make us feel good and we are programmed by nature to do so and the more common ones like food addiction are considerably more hazardous to ones health than cannabis consumption ever would be so before you think making one more slightly hazardous substance legal is the wrong thing to do how about you focus on the more dangerous substances like food that effect everyone in society.


2. Myth: Smoked or eaten marijuana is medicine


Medicine isn't a single compound or even a few isolated ones.  Medicine is something that positively treats a medical condition through its use or consumption.  If people get any kind of positive benefits from smoking or eating cannabis that makes it a medicine and just like everything else that has a positive effect there will be a negative effect as well.  In the medical industry these are known as side effects and common medications like paracetamol can cause liver failure and death so how dare you judge people for using their medicine in its natural form.


3. Myth: Countless people are behind bars simply for smoking marijuana

You claim 0.3% of people are in prison for smoking alone.  Thats 0.3% too many and then you go on to mention that others are also in prison for things like smoking while on probation which doesn't count.  FUCK YOU it doesn't count.  They wouldn't be in prison again if it were legal and if you took criminality entirely away from the cannabis industry tens of thousands of people in America alone wouldn't be in prison.  So yes there isn't countless people in prison for cannabis alone but the number is still insanely high and a single person is one too many.


4. Myth: The legality of alcohol and tobacco strengthen the case for legal marijuana

The consumption of alcohol and tobacco decreases based upon personal choice, not laws that govern their manufacture or use.  Prohibition proved this as alcohol was still widely available.  Changing the laws won't change the rate of usage but it will make it viewable to the public so you really have to choose between who gets the profits, the free market or the black market because literally nothing else is going to change.


5. Myth: Legal marijuana will solve government budget problems

Funny how you say for ever dollar gained $10 is spent but fail to mention the savings that would be gained from the reduced need to fund the war on drugs.  Considering the billions spent on that every year I'd imagine not having to worry about number one drug they enforce by a country mile would save the government a considerable chunk of change every year.


6. Myth: Portugal and the Netherlands provide successful models of legalization

Its optional to sell to tourists in the Netherlands and the overwhelming vast majority still do.  Portugal doesn't see nearly as much crime now and their prison system isn't flooded by people with addiction issues.  Their criminal systems target actual criminals so you're right it is no longer a myth but you're wrong because they really do show successful models of how to treat drug users as the normal people they are instead of criminals.


7. Myth: People have always smoked marijuana and always will. Why try to stop it?

We have over 6000 years of recorded usage.  You have 70 years of failed prohibition.  Your utter failure at the cost of trillions of dollars to tax payers might be a good start.  How about incarcerating people over a plant costing them valuable time with their loved ones they can never get back and costing the tax payers $30,000 a year or more per person?  You started a war, you lost.  Go back to your hole with your tail between your legs and stop trying to stir shit up.


God that guy's a dick.  I'd love to punch him one but being a peaceful stoner I'll have a bong hit, mellow out and have fun knowing that over half the people in that guy's life hate him lol

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so the Christians are having a dig at mj.


the fact that this bloke is a churchy, and developed his book with a former congressman should be enough for anyone to reallise he is easily manipulated and fooled into beliving what he is told rather than actually having a reallistic argument against cannabis.

bunch of mumbo jumbo backed up with lies

How do you base your assumption that Christians are easily manipulated?  God did/does not outlaw cannabis use, or parsley sage, rosemary or thyme for that matter l-neither did/does his Son.  Man did.


Peace in you. v :sun:

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