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Pain Relief Usage




I am a Total Newbie when it comes to the Blessed Weed, (As the following post will indicate) and I am kinda embarrassed at the naivety of what I do/did know until lately (from my sons, and this Site).


I have recently been introduced to The benefits of "Medicinal Herbage", and do I find that it does have a marked effect in reducing pain levels, and I would really like to cut back on the large amount of Controlled Medication I am on, BUT, I have NO idea of what would be the best strain to try and replace some of the S8 Narcotic Meds I have to currently have to use..


I don't know if it is OK to put amounts or name of this type of medication in a post, so for now, until I know better all I will say is I have been told by a Dr that IF they took ONE dose of what I take 4-5 times a day, it would be fatal to them, (I have been on these Meds 5 +/- years, slowly increasing over that time, so that i can tolerate what i am prescribed).. (IF anyone needs that info to help  give me the info I am chasing please private message me).


So, does ANYONE have experience/knowledge of WHAT would be worth trying or if there is an Anecdotal Formula to work this out.. I would be extremely grateful because people that are in the Loop have remarked that i do not appear to be so tired and lethargic AFTER a day or two of Replacement Medication ;)  ;)

Thanks in Advance for ANY Info on the above..



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Dreambandit there is no formula to finding out the equivalent of narcotic to weed ratio but rather you need to go to your local dispensary and try out different strains.

Research needs to be done of course seeing as there is different strains, potency ratings, etc. but of course by research I mean smoke the different strains, depending

on how severe the pain is you will need a higher THC dosage also the kind of high you want.

Whether you want a full body high or more centralized head high that gives you energy and doesn't knock you out. Weed has become more of an art form giving you a 

plethora of types and strains from reducing back pain to knocking out insomnia.

A good dispensary will have knowledgeable staff that know everything about each and every bud available. Hope this helps you and good luck coming off those opiate narcotics it can be a bitch but weed will help.



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Edit.  Sorry, didn't read the other posts. What everyone is saying about cbd is correct, it's what I suspected. Mate I just looked at that link provided by Budding. Shit 5% + cbd? Mate that's heaps. If your more interested in the medical value than the high then these you'll love these types of strains. There's a few seed breeders with strains containing  high levels of cbd I've noticed recently.


Has anyone smoked one of these high cbd strains with equal thc- like 6% thc ,6% cbd? What was the effect?

I don't know how much stock you should put in the descriptions from that link... it's a UK reseller's site and there is an awful lot of fluff, spin and downright fabrication woven into the descriptions.


Hat Tip to the the content writer who managed to turn the breeders descriptions into cheap, flashy, British rag-speak and for the fabricated figures... yeah top stuff, that was really classy. :good:

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