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Pain Relief Usage




I am a Total Newbie when it comes to the Blessed Weed, (As the following post will indicate) and I am kinda embarrassed at the naivety of what I do/did know until lately (from my sons, and this Site).


I have recently been introduced to The benefits of "Medicinal Herbage", and do I find that it does have a marked effect in reducing pain levels, and I would really like to cut back on the large amount of Controlled Medication I am on, BUT, I have NO idea of what would be the best strain to try and replace some of the S8 Narcotic Meds I have to currently have to use..


I don't know if it is OK to put amounts or name of this type of medication in a post, so for now, until I know better all I will say is I have been told by a Dr that IF they took ONE dose of what I take 4-5 times a day, it would be fatal to them, (I have been on these Meds 5 +/- years, slowly increasing over that time, so that i can tolerate what i am prescribed).. (IF anyone needs that info to help  give me the info I am chasing please private message me).


So, does ANYONE have experience/knowledge of WHAT would be worth trying or if there is an Anecdotal Formula to work this out.. I would be extremely grateful because people that are in the Loop have remarked that i do not appear to be so tired and lethargic AFTER a day or two of Replacement Medication ;)  ;)

Thanks in Advance for ANY Info on the above..



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Hi Dream,

Welcome to OS

Go have a good look around this site, there is loads of info here and if you cant find it then ask, someone will direct you.

I too am a medicinal user and have found great benefit in managing my pain using canna instead of pharmaceuticals. I smoke canna as part of me pain management regime, not as the amazing wonder drug that some may profess it to be, but as one of my 'management tools' 

I am also on some heavy duty 'Controlled Substances' which have some terrible side effects. But because these pharmaceuticals ( and the companies producing them ) are supported by the Govt and the AMA, they are pushed onto us. I was recently (yesterday) released from hospital after having major brain surgery. I have been provided with medication, of which I have had previously. On these previous occasions I have been provided with 5mg doses and when severe 10 mg dose has been recommended. This 10 mg dose sends me to bed. I have now been given 30mg although the Dr's were informed that this was too much it was still prescribed.

Now as soon as you mention canna use for pain management the reaction from Dr's is one of instant judgement. I told a Dr of my canna use years ago (15+) and still today it is listed in my medical file and I am labelled an 'illicit drug user' so be aware of whom you inform. As they say " It sticks with you like shit to a blanket "

As for the best strains, personally I would say, it really is a case of trial and error, what works for one may not work for another and unless you have your own supply it can be difficult maintaining that specific strain. Ford Fairlane has some good info with the link provided, so again go have a look around. Also Cannaversity (Tab at the top of this page) is a great place to get some basic information.

Hope it helps and enjoy your stay



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Thanks for the reply to my post, .. As for Dr's,I find that mine are open minded ..I am a Terminal Patient of Palliative Care up here and their attitude appears to be, If it helps, Why Not !..They do NOT outrightly condone it, BUT, they also Do Not Condemn the pain relief aspect..some actually have an understanding of Cannabis that (I think) extends beyond book learning :) :) 


I have been trawling this site and am now reading everything I can find that relates pain relief..I only wish I had stumbled upon this site a while ago.


I am in the process of trying to establish my Greenhouse with the few seeds that sometimes come with the irregular source I have at the moment..

It is gonna be a REAL Trial & Error Exercise me thinks ;)


Be at Peace..



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Trial and error can be the best way to learn

But you need to check your hours of daylight.

You need to give your plants a few weeks minimum of more then 12 hrs light/12 hrs dark cos 12/12 turns them to flower (bud) straight away and a tiny plant means a tiny yield.

Now this is outdoor, if you're indoor then you control the environment.

Also with bagseeds, you need to sex them. Males will pollinate and if you females nearby all you'll get is seed.



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I also need some advice on strains for pain relief, specifically back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, numb arms and shoulders.  Also, need to deal with anxiety and really bad insomnia.


I have to cut back on the pharmaceuticals that I'm on like baclofen, panadine forte, ambien and Valium.  I have been falling down lately due to dizziness and weakness in the legs from all the muscle relaxers and can't find a steady supply of God's green natural meds.

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Hey Schmeg,

I have found that what may work for one may not work for another in the same way and due to this it can be a case of hit and miss in many ways. Some smokes can have a high muscle relaxant effect, where others may have a more cerebral high effect and depending on the cause of the discomfort would depend on the smoke

Up in Cannaversity there is a guide that might be helpful

By the sounds of it you need to get your own grow up and going. Supplying your own is the only way to go.



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