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Australian sex party to legalize marijuana

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Just reading on the SexPartys website and it says that the sexparty's preference (votes) will go to the one nation party.

IMO they are all full of shit and we need someone articulate and passionate like nibbler to stand up and be the leader for the OzStoners Party. I will be one of the guys standing at the back nodding at the speech's :)

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Just reading on the SexPartys website and it says that the sexparty's preference (votes) will go to the one nation party.

IMO they are all full of shit and we need someone articulate and passionate like nibbler to stand up and be the leader for the OzStoners Party. I will be one of the guys standing at the back nodding at the speech's :)





Short answer: fill out the long form and direct the preference votes to where you want them

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I second that, where is the Nibbs? Probably kickin' it with Omle in the mother room...........

...tangeriner dreamin.... lol come to think of it-Id be kickin w/omle too ...alll dem buds  :bongon:  fwiworth, Im gonna do the bentato (I like to say it in an Irish accent in at higher register w/the emphasis on the 2nd syllable ie benTAE--toe ...sing-song like lol ) thing and jus go right through them-We gotta appreciate this opportunity to have our say even if it may not make the difference we want-gotta learn what the heads are really saying and discern their agendas, yeah.  Mos the world nations don't have half the opportunities for self determination like us in Aus so lets make it count and get informed then what will be will be and we get back to gardening and living :thumbsup:  We cant diss the gifts or we wont have em anymore.


Peacen :scales: v :sun:  GETBACKINHERE GRUMBLEBUM!  (GH72) lol :peace:

Edited by Vinno
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