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Budlink, Silica


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I used it years ago and it makes for a more tolerant plant.  Their sweet spot for things like ph, ec, temperature,  etc. all grow a little making plants slightly easier to take care of.  I think it also made the cells slightly thicker but not enough to claim an increase in yield.  Its cheap and can help out a bit so it can be worth the investment but if you are already in tune with your plants and growing method on standard two part nutes its not really worth buying.  If you want to spend money at that point I would recommend beneficial bacteria as everyone who uses them swears by them for helping your plants reach their full potential. 

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I used it in my grow, found the plants loved it when I started using it and considering the price I'd recommend getting it. Found the plants growth increased and the leaves seemed thicker, plant definitely become overall more robust and tolerant 

One thing though while I think of it, regardless of which order I mixed my nutes I always found Cannazyme didn't seem to like mixing in when the silica additive was present (It would clump and look like bodily fluid only capable by man) has anyone else had a problem with Enzyms and Silica?

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One thing though while I think of it, regardless of which order I mixed my nutes I always found Cannazyme didn't seem to like mixing in when the silica additive was present (It would clump and look like bodily fluid only capable by man) has anyone else had a problem with Enzyms and Silica?


I havent had this problem GG - I mix my silica in the res first, let it sit for a couple of minutes then add nutes and finally zyme.  However if I try to mix in silica then epson salts too soon I get a white precipitation forming in the res.

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Silica is great. I always use it. It wont help you with yield in terms of bud density and size, but what is will do is create a much stronger plant that can hold much more weight.

It supposedly also helps the plant become more resistant to disease, but I cannot comment about this as I have never had any diseases.

One thing though while I think of it, regardless of which order I mixed my nutes I always found Cannazyme didn't seem to like mixing in when the silica additive was present (It would clump and look like bodily fluid only capable by man) has anyone else had a problem with Enzyms and Silica?


As per the instructions on the back, silica needs to be mixed thoroughly with water before adding to nute solution.
I always start with the bud link in the nute tank before anything else. Get a spare old 1.25 / 2L coke bottle and poor your required amount of silica in there,
Fill 70% or so with water and shake the shit out of it for 30 seconds or so. Then add to fresh water res tank.
Ideally you want to add mixed silica to empty res tank, then fill the rest of the res up with water, then add nutes followed by additives.


Following above will ensure your silica is mixed properly with your solution.


Cyclone -

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I havent had this problem GG - I mix my silica in the res first, let it sit for a couple of minutes then add nutes and finally zyme.  However if I try to mix in silica then epson salts too soon I get a white precipitation forming in the res.

 But what doez epson saltz do?


Siilcaz hard on the ph swing if ya dont ad it first aye.

Edited by snoopdog
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