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Cannabis As Medicine
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Queensland: STOP Cannabis Arrests and Prosecutions Now 1 2
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Sequoia Crone
Hello OZ Stoners Members,
I am honored to be among you. I come bearing gifts. I am an Oregon OMMA patient and caregiver. I also practicing canna-herbalism for my own use. I am a political activist for the advancement of medicinal marijuana and tell my own TRUTH of the healing availble to ME and OTHERS with this blessed plant.
I would hope through non-violent action to see the end of the demonization of marijuana and the WOD (War on Drugs). I am looking forward to spending more time in your forum and learning about the movement in Australia.
I am a moderator on a group of patient/caregivers called
Oregon green free
Please come and take a look at how our system is working and NOT for patients in Oregon. There is always room for change and all are welcome to to visit.
I make a cannabis oil that can be used in many recipes, easy too.
64 oz of canola oil
6-8 oz of ground up bud or assorted trim
Ceramic lined crock pot or other controlled low heat (do not use alum pots)cooker.
Put it all together in the crock pot and keep on low heat for 24 hr. If it
should start to boil turn it off. I also turn it off at night when asleep.
Turn back on low and keep going for the time period. Allow to cool down.
Strain through a piece of cheesecloth and press hard to extract all the oil you can. Pour it back in the bottle and put in the pantry.
Use in any recipe that does not go over 350 degrees.
Betty Crock Brownie mix or any that uses 1/2 cup of oil.
Double the oil, add three eggs and a tablespoon of water. It will come out almost cake like. The baking at 350 degrees is going to take a little longer than the instructions on the package. I usually test doneness with a toothpick, when it comes out clean it is done. Usually that is 50-60 minutes. 9x12 pan.
Because of the double oil in this recipe do not operate any machinery or drive. I usually make this for NEW YEARS.
Once I overcooked it and dunked it in milk and ate with a spoon.
You can use the oil in salad dressing and a tablespoon
orally can also be helpful if you don't have time to cook. You can also fill gelatin capsules for convenient dosing
You can get a decent oil using second and third trim and some bud thrown in...but the quality improves if you can put more bud in the pot.
Please feel free to share with other patients.
NOTE: Be careful operating machinery and keep away from children (unless they are patients)
healing energy and lovingkindness
My personal favorite is
As a Medical Cannabis patient and advocate I have found very good success with Cannabis Tinctures and Elixir.
Take a gallon jar with a lid and pour in about a 1.75 liter of 100 proof
vodka and grind up about 6-8 oz or more of buds (or good trim) and add to the jar. Let it sit in a dark area and take out and shake (or stir) every day or so. Keep the lid on it as it will evaporate. I don't like alcohol that much, but it is needed as a malaceum (to draw out the goodies from the herb). I use about a tsp in the morning in my hot espresso to disipate the alcohol. If you use the 100 proof you can use a dropper under the tongue, but if you decide to use a higher proof it may burn your mouth a bit. This is a convenient way to travel with your meds, keeps the smell down and can be used anywhere. I carry it in an old echinachea (brown with a dropper) bottle.
Actually it is quite delicious in a large icy glass of 7 UP, I call this
a "pottail". I usually serve this to other patients that come over and it
is quite popular. You can use a double boiler system to distill out the
alcohol for those with liver problems and those that should avoid alcohol, but great care needs to be taken with flame around this stuff. I usually leave this for weeks in the cupboard and strain it as I use it, or I have strained and bottled it...and chilled it to prevent evaporation. This is great for the old rheumatiz.
I have also thrown a bag of frozen blueberries or raspberries in for
flavoring and antioxidant added to the mix. The elixir has no alcohol
left in, so I do refigerate it for storage. If I leave it in tincture
form no need to refrigerate but watch for evaporation.
As this is a cold extraction process you get a good product--mind the
grinding up of medicine, as previously posted you can get ALL the
But I have started using it as soon as 3 days and strain around
3-6 weeks. Still experimenting...but have done for many years now.
NOTE: Start out with small doses (eyedropper works) and titrate the dose to your needs.
healing energy and loving kindness
The greatest service which can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture.
-Thomas Jefferson
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."--Ghandi
Reverend Martin Luther King said we have only two choices: "to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
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