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7 Day old seedling, only 1 set of leaves, advice?

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Indoor/Outdoor:                                         Indoor
Growing Medium:                                      Coco/Perlite
Growing Style:                                           Hand-watering in a grow tent
Watering/Feeding Frequency:                   Watered once every 5 days
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):                     No nutes used yet
PH Levels:                                                 around 6.0
Temperature/Humidity Levels:                  Range from 20 - 30 degrees, humidity stays around 40% all the time
Air Flow/Fans etc.:                                    2 desk fans inside tent for a bit of air flow
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):           130W CFL hanging about 4 inches above
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:                                           Seedling stage
Plants Age:                                                Seven days above ground
Cannabis Strain:                                        Bubble yum a free seed I received from bonza.



Hey guys after a marathon few months Ive finally secured my beans and started the bubble yum in some plastic cup with drainage holes. Don't know if I'm being a bit jumpy as its only been 7 days above ground but the seedling is only showing 1 small (1 - 1.5cm long) set of leaves with no sign yet of another set. Other pictures I have seen of a 2 week old seedling have SUBSTANCIALLY more growth than this little tacker, and as I have limited seeds I wanna try and iron out all the kinks I can before I lose control of it. Any advice would be great and I can work on getting a picture if it would help..





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Thanks for the advice buzzo, I wondered about the feeding but I thought the general rule was to not feed until at least 3 sets of leaves. Maybe that's soil im thinking of. I will give it a try.


Cheers Evenflow

Picture tells a thousand words. Let me see them.

If they are dark green leaves and very runty looking, then Beno is about right @ 0.8

If they are Mid lush to pale green get into them with 1.2

E.C. of 1.2 won't be overfeeding any seedling in Coco.


Every Deep Dark green Runty looking seedling I have grown ends up being a Potent monster.

See this Runt was 4 days old and it grew sooo slowly until week 2



This is what she looked like @ week 5


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Hey buzzo, thanks heaps for the info mate, was going to feed up this afternoon but I would like to hear your verdict first as I've also noticed the last few days the leaves have been drooping/curling down a bit now, not sure whether that's from underfeeding also or something else.


My humidity seems to remain pretty low in my tent (around 28%) now, which might also be causing problems.. I plan on getting a cheapish humidifier tomorrow. Anyway the pics are on the way, should have them up tonight, I seem to be having issues with my camera now *sigh*


Cheers :)





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Ok here we go, please have a look and let me know if you have any advice :)
post-51066-0-43844700-1376990240_thumb.jpg post-51066-0-94622200-1376990285_thumb.jpg
Sorry about the picture quality, the left and middle pic is the bubble yum that's 11 days old and the pic on the right is a Silver LA seed that's 4 days above ground. I guess they look reasonably healthy for young seedlings but seems like pretty stunted growth right?


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