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Grow Box......is it doable?

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Hi all.

I'm only a light user, approx 2oz a year.

Used to grow in the backyard but neighbours are getting nosey.

Is a small grow box a solution. Something that would fit under a workbench in the garage to give me a couple of oz.

Concerns I have is:


Catching on fire

Setting up (ie size of lamps, type of lamps)


Nothing complicated. Just a timer and hand watering.

Any suggestions would be great.

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You could do that no problems.  The real issue is how you want to go about it.  Being such a light smoker you could realistically just grow from seed once a year and every 5-10 years let a lady get knocked up to make more seeds.  You would only have plants going for a few months of the year then but it would be a pain in the arse compared to keeping a mother alive indefinitely which comes with the downside of permanently growing.  The real issue you face though is being such a light smoker growing your own puts you at a huge risk for a $500-600/year habit.  I'm all for you growing your own as it will give you a better quality product than what you could probably buy but if you have a profession where a criminal conviction for growing cannabis could look bad such as teaching I would have to say that a drug habit that doesn't even cost $2 a day isn't worth going into self production.  If you don't have anything like that to lose or think its worth the risk I would probably recommend growing from seed once a year.  If you buy a single pack of seeds and let the first crop get seeded up you'll have genetics for close to 10 years without a doubt.  You can sprout say 5 seeds a year, remove the males and keep the best lady or ladies under a small light and just keep it all jarred up until you want to have a smoke.  You could get away with really low power lights to only get 2oz, I'm guessing a really good strain grown perfectly under a 80w CFL could do it but realistically one of the 130w ones would be better as it stands a much higher chance of delivering a surplus.  I would definitely recommend growing in a tallish cabnet as you have to take into account the size of the pots, the light and shade, ducting, carbon filter, etc. as well as the actual space for the plant to grow in.  Its always better to have more room than not enough and for your needs you could be stealthy as and grow almost anywhere in anything without it looking suss.


Best advice I could give you is have a really long hard think about what exactly you want like stealth options which will be dependent on where you can grow as well as strains that suit your likes or needs.  Once you have worked out everything you need to know you'll be able to work out if its worth the risk and if its possible to do should you want to go down that path.

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