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Cannabis Posters Target Students

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Guest niall
How about we start making up our own pro-cannabis posters to counteract this bias?
Not a bad idea Niall, assuming we could get enough money together, what would be the issues around publication? any ideas? It could be a self-generating publicity machine once the 'outraged' mainstream press got a hold of it.

Well as long as it's factual and truthful, and it doesn't break any laws as far as postering is concerned, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.... I think?


This is what we lack - a propaganda machine in our favour. The public just aren't being told the whole truth, it's always the anti-cannabis slant of the truth...

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Take a page from Canada's machine!!!!


A lot of our smokers go on whats called "speakers corner "in Toronto and voice there opinion! Its helped,


Do you guys have somthing like that? A place where you can record you opinions and have them heard and seen on T.V.?


If so Start a contest or somthing where it would bring people to the site to give their best reason for making our beloved weed legal!


Cheers you Aussie Party Machines!!!


Ciao :wacko: :D :P

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The Million Marijuana March is a global event that is happening in many cities. If I may suggest it can be a focal point for showing the unity for this movement.

Here in Oregon OrNORML is sponsoring an event in Portland and other US cities. There are events in the new Eurostates and South America.


Bumper stickers can be more effective than once a year event. Write a Letter to the Editor of a local or major news group. Post your bumper stickers in public places!! Adult places to be appropriate and not bring noises about the children being harmed.


I am sure there must be groups to do this in Australia. I am new here and may need to be advised if this is possible.


healing energy and lovingkindness



Cannabis patient Oregon



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You beat me to it Niall. I was thinking the same thing.


A colourful psychedelic poster jam packed with factual stuff. This would be a lot better than the small book I suggested in another thread. This would be right in peoples faces. Kids sitting on the crapper would have nothing else to look at. If they are pinched then all the better. People will have this pro-cannabis material up on walls in their homes.


We could run them off pretty cheap with a printer. Colour is a bit more expensive but I don't think black and white would have much impact.


We could just tell the facts. "Marijuana Stops Cancers", "Marijuana has never killed anyone", "The Government is lying to you", "Alcohol and Tobacco are far more harmful", "Cannabis does not cause brain damage".

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... A lot of our smokers go on whats  called "speakers corner "in Toronto and voice there opinion! Its helped,


Do you guys have somthing like that? A place where you can record you opinions and have them heard and seen on T.V.? ...

In Sydney, we have a 'speaker's corner' in the domain (a city park) modelled on the same name in Hyde Park London. It used to attract hundreds of listeners, dozens of speakers, and heckers of every hue. These days its a much smaller event but still gets several speakers and a mixed bag of regular listeners and tourists, but rarely more than a couple of dozen at one time. National soapbox day attracted a bigger audience and I spoke to about 70 at its peak. I only speak on the odd occasion now, but when I do I have my own pet heckler (whose way of ranting backs up my argument, as in the pot smoker looks far saner than the critic :P )


We have various TV 'citizen' forums, often run by current affairs programs, I hadn't thought of that aspect ... good idea, I'm such a media slut :wacko: ::D:

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