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Cannabis Posters Target Students

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POSTERS showing the harmful effects of cannabis on young people are being taped to toilet doors in cinemas and in shopping centres around NSW.


The state government hopes that young people out and about these school holidays will take note of the posters which show the harmful effects of cannabis on relationships, friendships and fitness.


Special Minister of State John Della Bosca said the posters were first displayed during the summer holidays and were again targeting students during these school holidays.


"The messages will appear in bathroom advertising in cinemas and shopping centres which draw thousands of young people at this time of year," Mr Della Bosca said in a statement.


"The messages are realistic. They make young people aware of and recognise their own or their friends' problematic use."


Mr Della Bosca said the posters help reinforce the message that cannabis is not a harmless drug without consequences.


"(Cannabis) is capable of causing significant health and social problems and we need to get that message to young people," he said.



Edited by boulder
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The government should print more anti pot posters, I love em, used to have my walls plastered with anti drug posters. Anti Drug posters are really just pro drug posters, kids think "hmm pot must be cool to be warned off it so much eh?" and other people think "yeah I could go a cone right now", I really liked these ones trying to promote some fithy drunk cumslut whore trying to call her friend a "boring" stoner before she goes off and gets pregnant to the fag shes with.

The boring pamphlets around at the moment are not enough, I got copies of all them ceida ones, we need more, we need ones with pics of kilos of gold seal hashish, and examples of "skunk" plants and all that shit to warn people what the drug looks like.

Anyway I might steal me a few of these too if sum young cunt dont flog em first.

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true! by the government puttni up posters agaisnt it sayin all this bad stuff and its illeagal? wat do u think the people r goin to do since when do people really listen to the government??? some of its true wat they say the rest is just a coc and bull story becasue they cant think of anythin else to make it look bad :wacko:

so really it can sumtimes be encouragement

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Guest niall
POSTERS showing the harmful effects of cannabis on young people are being taped to toilet doors in cinemas and in shopping centres around NSW.


The state government hopes that young people out and about these school holidays will take note of the posters which show the harmful effects of cannabis on relationships, friendships and fitness.

So.... why not just use cannabis responsibly, maintain your relationships and friendships like any normal person would be expected to do, and don't neglect your fitness?


What about the positive effects of cannabis? How about we start making up our own pro-cannabis posters to counteract this bias?

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How about we start making up our own pro-cannabis posters to counteract this bias?
Not a bad idea Niall, assuming we could get enough money together, what would be the issues around publication? any ideas? It could be a self-generating publicity machine once the 'outraged' mainstream press got a hold of it.
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