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Smoking A Cone Properly

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mixing ruins perfectly good weed :thumbsup:


who how many breaths it takes? (unless they are bumsuckin...then they should be cut off)


the aim is to get high and if the process of gettin high isn't enjoyable as well don't bother

Edited by Bundy
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Man ... 2 cigs a gram , Sheesh , mayaswell just smoke cigs??? that is quite alot.


I'v smoked for over 10 years (hehe Blackbelt in Bonging on) , and like Pickle (Very nicely written btw.) , Thats how I smoke (Mostly).

I do smoke with spin , But it is such a tiny amount you wouldn't know if it was there unless U looked closely , And I mean about as little as you would possibly bother with (I use 2 cigs a week - Max.Unless I'm smokin with others , and I smoke maybe 20conez a day average).


Punch those cones ... In saying that tho , Ive had a good friend who had to toke for years (2 goes anyway) , Then he just started askin for small 1/4 cones (I don't think he was very comfortable asking for smallies Cuz We all smoked Rompers back then. But My friend ended up working up to full cones again as he does now. :)

It used to be the bigger the better for me , But my lungs aren't so good now so I just smoke lightly packed full cones. SOmetimes now if someone packs me a romper I can not quite get thru it all lol , Its mostly fine tho , cuz half the people I smoke with are oldies , and they smoke smaller ones . : )


Well , I forgot what else I wanted to say , So I'm gonna go have a cone :)


Bye 4 Now.

From Budman.


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G'day Zaknefain ,

What gives you that impression? weak? in what way?

You mean weak MJ? You would be wrong. Our smoking techniques? Also , not weak sorry. Um ...

Now I cant speak for all MJ , or all smokers ... but I'm pretty sure some people who are stoners in Australia would disagree with you.

I mean , I am not offended in any way , I know what I've smoked and all the ways I've smoked it.

Please fill us all in on how you smoke and why It is better. ^_-


Ahhh , I dunno , maybe Im just too wasted , And there was some funny joke I didn't get ... Ah well ..


Seeya Mate. :peace:



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