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Uruguay lawmakers debate licensing marijuana sales

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I applaud every move like this which is made around the world as every step in the right direction can be considered a positive move but I really hate how politicians think placing limits will do anything positive at all.  Limiting collectives to 45 people just means more collectives making enforcement of laws that much harder not to mention all the extra paper work for licenses and what not.  Limiting people to 40g a month will require a national database that records every detail about transactions in places that sell cannabis in real time which is hard enough to do for more than a handful of people but for a million or more its extremely difficult, privacy laws will likely be violated on a massive scale and it will be next to impossible to enforce limits not to mention doing so will force people to buy anything more off the black market.  The sad thing is these kinds of things are going on every time a legal cannabis market opens up.  Its like politicians think we can't be trusted going into a shop with over a 100 varieties of the same thing ranging in quality, taste and price unless its alcohol so for our own good we need to have be spied on and have non users dictate to us what acceptable usage is.  Can you imagine the shit storm that would erupt if alcohol was made illegal again for starters but we were then told ok, ok, you can have your booze but we are tracking everyone and everything and you are limited to a single standard bottle of spirits or a single case of beer per month?  There is no fucking way anyone would accept that so why is it ok for cannabis?  Why are we so gung ho for changing cannabis's legal status that we are willing to sacrifice so much of the very freedoms we want for the plant?  Personally I'd rather keep it illegal...

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By Felipe Llambias and Malena Castaldi MONTEVIDEO (Reuters) - Legislators in Uruguay hotly debated on Wednesday a measure backed by leftist President Jose Mujica that would create a government body to control the cultivation and sale of marijuana and allow people to grow it at home or as part of smoking clubs. The use of marijuana is already legal in the South American nation, but sale and ...


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