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Ozone Filters/carbon Filters


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Hello everyone,Just wondering how many people need or use one of the two and if ya really needed it and how bad did it stink?(Last 4 weeks)Can the smell travel far?If so how far?And the ones not using em it didnt stink that bad did it?Depending on strain?Thanks
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Well, the scent of a flowering cannabis plant can be pretty damn strong indeed, and whilst it doesn't smell like smoking pot, anyone whos ever come into contact with the scent a fully flowering plant can produce will know exactly what it is immediately.


Which can be a serious security risk to say the least.


Ozone is not a filter, it's a form of Oxygen which destroys smell by giving the scent molecules an extra oxygen atom.


It's generally considered very effective, but it's potentially harmful to all life, particularly if you breath it in. It could damage your lungs and cause all kinds of other problems too. Ozone generators are placed into the extraction ducting, (after the fan) and the ozone mixes with the scent as the air passes by. It generally means you have to have a fairly long ducting to ensure adequate mixing and smell reduction.


Carbon filters are far more common and are very effective in removing smells from growrooms. They work by passing all the air from the exhaust through a layer of activated carbon, which then filters out just about all scent from the air, leaving you with nice, clean, and most of all scent free air.


Carbon filters can be mounted in various ways, and come in a few forms, although it's better to place them inside the growroom with a fan pulling all air from the GR through the carbon filter before it even leaves the GR. Otherwise they could also be placed after the fan, and this is okay too. You'll need a very strong fan for carbon filters, as they're very heavily packed and will significantly affect your exhaust rates. Most will come with a centrifugal fan when purchased, which are rated to the filters specifications.


Hope that helps mate.

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