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Copy Protected Music

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singers, etc that make albums already have enough money, FUCK THE LOT OF EM !!!! download all ur music from kazaa ++/ win mx / shareaza


there are literally 100's of verified download sites, click of a button the download begins in the selected p2p program and everything is sweet :wacko:


although if u really appriciate the band/artist i suggest u do buy the album...i bought the Obie Trice single Gotta Have Teeth and it wouldnt show up in media player or anything :D so i opened music match jukebox (if u havent already got it go get it) and it ripped the songs with no errors and perfect qualtiy :P


seriously tho, rich cunts just get richer while we get poorer, i say lets reverse the tables a bit, make them lose some money and us gain :P

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i use kazaa often... download a couple of songs and if i like `em, i go buy the album. you still get your royalties...dont use it on games etc though, 3-4 yrs of working on a new game and every cunt gets it for free!!! fuck that, even the geeks gotta make a living.


We got an mp3 car stereo....I would highly recommend one of those...cant wait to get a dvd burner and then a car dvd player and be able to play 9 gigs of music on one disc...


itll happen our way one day too...love it...



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hmmmm has anyone else noticed a few songs on k+++ lately that have like this high pitched squeel in parts of the song?? most painful thing i have ever heard. Ended up dl 19 different versions of that song and all where the same found a good copy on winmx but i hate there cues.


Would this have anything to do with the copy protection or is it something else all together



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Tart can be a combo of things..I personally havent heard a high pitched noise in any of my songs however i have heard badly copied music using engines which are very substandard. Then theres the glitches which can be removed with a wave editor mislabelled songs etc etc


My fav is the audioactive production studio for encoding/decoding wav/mp3s


Anyone fileshare some roots reggae albums and if so what? Win mx sadly lacks em

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:) that noise is there on purpose...to piss you off. check the sources, youll find the 15-20 sources all have common/generic names and same file size...RIAA dummies usually.

:P wanna piss the k-lite ppl off? change your user name to RIAA@kazaa, gets a wild reaction...

you gotta look for sources that fit just under/over the known file size, usually keeps you away from the fakes. another problem is the amount of pimply-faced kids that rip the files using crappy software combined with little real intelligence toward what theyre doing. try to tell them that though...the regulars on the forums think theyre gods. you wanna know something- read the manual like youve seen posted all over the site!

you dont find the answer there, ask again, and again...finally get 20 posts mainly containing ppls opinions of your ability and intelligence...you aint got 2000 posts, dont post cause you know nothing! yeah, its a wierd world out there...



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ok i thought of something that should work....


if u can play the songs in winamp u can actually get winamp to create a wav file for the songs u are playing....i forget how to do it and havent really bothered to look into it but i know with the older versions 4 i think it was, u could do this and the quality was perfect as long as it didnt lag, skip or jump :smoke


from then its just a simple matter of coverting the wav file to mp3 and everyone is happy :thumbsup

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