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Copy Protected Music

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Well EMI and some other CD producers have introduced copy-protected CD's. (That's if your lucky not to own a Mac, as it would mean a trip to the PC store for repairs) Protected means the Windows Media Player can't play (or copy or even see the files) the CD, supposably meant to autoplay but I haven't got it going. Frustration as myself like millions of other have since incorporated my stereo into my PC and thus without the Media Player the CD is blank and useless.... I can still play the CD on the PS or my walkman, but as I never do this I doubt it, prefering compilation CD's I have burnt (in the second case, six channel sound in the first). I don't buy CD's to individually play anymore as they are ALL backed up to HD.There may or may not be an easy way to crack this 'protection' but why do I have to crack a CD I paid FULL PRICE FOR?


All I can say is I pity the artists, consumers and programmers for introducing this horrid little piece of code as it means I shall be forced to pirate all my future recordings rather than legally buy them, if the are 'protected' by this rat bag thing. It will also prevent me from buying any CD's so 'protected' in the future.


I say 'protected' dripping in cynicism as it will only hamper consumers and not stop, but encourage, piracy


"the CD is a great track: "Somebody to Love" by the Boogie Pimps" :-anyone know how to crack it?

Edited by Kimba
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Kimba if you go to a copy protections list and find out the specific code they have inserted you can use nero or alcohol 120% to make a disc image on your pc of it...then mount that disc image on the artificial drive then you can play it to your hearts content or rip it to bits and distribute it to the win mx/kazaa K++ communities...


The mounting of disc images has been invaluable to me in hiring games and making images of them..it means I dont have to burn cds and can install and play the games from the disc images....would you beleive its my way of helping save the environment. Currently I have 30 of the latest games on my pc...and am working on more....

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at 750 megs to 1.8 gigs x 30 games......hmmmm


Best to just go to gametraders or any other game hire franschise and hire them then create an image on your pc...Most games thru kazaa are just demos that have been mislabelled on purpose or some asshole has added two of the same demo to a zip file so it looks like a full game...I recently downloaded 1.6 gigs of "games" that were "demos".

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that is a kewl song Kimba, the video clip is really funny too ;)

this probably doesnt help you alot but i would be returning it to the store and tell them you cant play it in your pc and therefore its a defective product, if everyone who gets stuck with one of those suckers does this the music companies should get the message, but then most people are lazy fucks and cant be bothered (including me ) lol well sometimes i will if im going to the shop anywayz. The people who thought of those schemes realise how futile they are, that it will actually make people resent the record companies (the last thing they need right now given the poor state of cd sales) and as you said force people to pirate music but those guys are probably sitting on a nice fat salary and completely out of touch with reality & the average person. lol

Also have a look at www.cdfreaks.com they have an Audio forum there and someone might know if you ask.

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:wacko: does the computer see any files, etc in your cd drive? have you clicked the drive icon and hit "open" or "autoplay"? why not use nero or similar...EAC...? fuck me, thats the opposite of my dramas. PS2 wont play cd-r, etc. gotta have originals to play in the car and on the young blokes walkman...



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