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Wish You Well



lol Sooo good to see you working on these issues.

I have tried same for a health problem, but it didnt work.

However, Magic Mushrooms do.

I am desperate as my supply has run out and I am looking for anyone who could help me with a contact where I could get my hands on some spores, (hopefully in Aust) - I need to try to grow my own. I am in WA - they do grow down south, but not until around August and by then I will be a "blithering mess". If anyone is interested, they work wonderfully for Migrain and Cluster Headaches - nothing else works for Cluster Headaches, but sh'rooms do. Thanks lol ;)

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I think Ergot' is related to Cafergot, is related to LSD - same pathways apparently?! What are you taking Ergot for - migrain?


I am member of a group of CHeadachers, who have tried Cannabis for the pain.

I dont know much about Cannabis, but some one wrote to me and told me it didnt work because I used dry instead of wet - what difference would that make?


This same group of people are fighting to have Magic M's and LSD available and legal for CH'ers. MAPS (org) is fighting for us too - who knows, one day many of us with severe headaches may get some real relief, instead of throwing down the heavy drugs that the specialist give us.


LSD was made in Laboratory - gues what for - MIGRAIN!

Edited by Cleon
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What are you taking Ergot for - migrain?

No, I'm not taking Ergot. I was prescribed Imigram for the head but I fortunately haven't needed to use it yet ... not even sure if it will work in me, Doc says it works for most but not all people. and then you have to take it in time (early) or it doesn't work.


@ all: true migiranes are hugely debilitating events, not just very bad headaches. Pot doesn't help either does opiates, the only thing that I have been able to do in the past was try to lay in a dark silent room and hope I will pass out from a combination of painkillers, sleepers and exhaustion from pain. but you can't lay still, you end up pacing/lying/rolling around, flashes of nausea, bouts of vomiting. I've tried ice packs, heat packs, hot showers, head and neck massages and virtually every painkiller known to man ... what I would give to never suffer from these again ... if mushies help (and Imigram doesn't) then I would be willing to try.

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Hey cleon, Try here. Do a bit of reading and you'll find who to contact.




While their look for adrian and his site (earthpod) he should have spores, Also SAB i think sells them, Their should be links to these 2 places their. Also plenty of grow info aswell.

I had a heap of prints and spore seringes but all were disposed of a few weeks ago.

Edited by Paranoid
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Paranoid - thank you for the information. I will certainly have a look.


Brash - Your headaches interest me. Especially the facts that you 'cant keep still', and tend to pace around. Are you sure they are migrain. Usually a Migrainer likes to keep still, stay in the dark and NO Noise!

Cluster Headache is very different.

when you get attacked, is it a one off attack, or do you get a series of attacks, over a number of weeks.

Imigrain usually works for a Migrain - it can be slow to kick in, but it does eventually 'get it' !

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Brash - I have a headache table which I thought may be of interest to you.

I cant post it here - I tried, but the format doesnt like the space here.

If you would like to have a look, please email me and I could send it straight to you. cleon@iinet.net.au

Im actually wondering if you have something else rather than Migrain.

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I try to lie still, but with nausea, I've got to get up. Had what was a potential attack the other night and took the imigram just after the first pain and ticks of the right eye, I had some visual distortion about half and hour earlier but wasn't sure if it was an attack or not. If it was an attack the Imigram worked, I'm pleased to say.


I won't worry about any pills. I take a lot of pharmaceuticals and need to be very careful of drug interactions. My doctor passes everything I use, including over-the-counter stuff. He is a big supporter of medical cannabis.

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