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Charlie Carp

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Gday first post.

I've been checking this site for ever though, and I certainly know the people here but no one knows me.. lol


anyway I got three beautiful females in pots, all about three feet high, and budding off the hinges, I'm using charlie carp and want to know if anyone else uses it? how much should i be using of it? currently I feed them nutes three times a month and water them once every three days or so, they grow in a mixture of a sandy loam and coconut fibre.


thanx.. and peace out!

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digi cam? the hock shop my digi cam was at (apparently) got broken into, so its lost for now.


however my housemate and I did take some analogue photos (proffessionally) today! you'll see them soon, they are very different strains. one seems to be a sativa, except it started flowering before the others. another looks like a stout indica, and the other is something altogether..


but do you recommend that I change from charlie carp? at all?


.......(packs cone)... lol

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Charlie carp's pretty good stuff apparently, but I've never used it myself. You want to read out the NPK ratios in the stuff for us to tell if it's that good for vegging or budding.


You need more N in veg and more P and K in flowering. lol


But as a good all round organic fert, it sounds cool. So long as the plants don't look unhappy, (yellowing or burning leaves, wilting or other problems) I'd say keep at it. You may want to increase your dosage slightly as the plants get bigger, but it sounds okay to me. lol

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read out the NPK ratios in the stuff for us to tell if it's that good for vegging or budding.

OK. anaylsis reads,






it also says it includes all the trace elements and also a wetting agent to assist retention of nutrients..


I've never used fish emulsion before, only blood and bone.. but I'm getting the best results with charlie I've ever had,.

before I added it, one or two fan leaves on each plant were yellowing and now they are luscious green again, and like I said, budding off the heezy breezy!!! I'll get a digi cam soon yo!

I'm proud of my late start to the season.

Edited by VanDamage
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I use Charlie Carp, and /or seasol as well. I like that Charlie is doing something useful with a pest species as well.

I use Charlie with a fert called healthy earth which is outstanding, and during flowering I use manutec bloom booster.

Less is more with ferts. I use once a week max, and at les than the recc' dose

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