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One signature away from marijuana dispensaries

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One signature away from marijuana dispensaries


Saturday, July 6 2013, 07:54 PM CDT
One signature away from marijuana dispensaries SALEM, Ore. (AP) - Medical marijuana dispensaries are a signature away from being legal in Oregon.

The state House of Representatives approved a bill Saturday to establish a licensing system for medical marijuana outlets. The bill, which passed 32-27, now goes to Gov. John Kitzhaber to sign.

Current law requires medical marijuana cardholders to grow the weed themselves or find someone to grow it for them. The bill would enable cardholders to purchase the drug from state-licensed medicinal pot shops.

Supporters say legalizing dispensaries will make it easier for the state's nearly 55,000 medical pot users to get their medicine and harder for the black market to get its hands on Oregon weed.

Some opponents argue the bill doesn't have enough teeth to go after people who abuse the state's medical marijuana program.

(Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)






house bill 3460

77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session
House Bill 3460
Sponsored by Representative BUCKLEY, Senator PROZANSKI;
Representative FREDERICK, Senator
The following summary
is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject
to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor’s brief statement of the essential features
of the measure as introduced.

Directs Oregon Health Authority to establish registration system for medical
marijuana facilities for transferring usable marijuana from registry identification cardholders, designated primary caregivers of registry identification cardholders or marijuana grow sites to medical marijuana facilities and from medical marijuana facilities to registry
identification cardholders or designated primary caregivers of registry identification cardholders. Declares emergency, effective on passage..........


The law creates a fourth OMMP card for sellers. There are requirements set out for that card in the bill.

"(3) To qualify for registration under this section, a medical marijuana facility:
(A) Must be located in an area that is zoned for commercial or industrial use or as agricultural land;
(B  )Must be a facility that is open to registry identification cardholders and designated
primary caregivers as a business;
© Must not be located within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a public or private elementary, secondary or career school attended primarily by minors;
(D) Must not be located within 1,000 feet of another medical marijuana facility; and
(E) Must comport with rules adopted by the authority related to:
(i) Installing a minimum security system, including a video surveillance system, alarm
system and safe; and
(ii) Testing for pesticides, mold and mildew.
(4)(a) The authority shall conduct a criminal records check under ORS 181.534 of a person
whose name is submitted as the person responsible for a medical marijuana facility under
subsection (2) of this section.
( b  )A person convicted of a Class A or Class B felony under ORS 475.752 to 475.920 for
the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in Schedule I or Schedule II may not
be the person responsible for a medical marijuana facility for five years from the date the
person completes the sentence for the crime for which the person has been convicted under
this paragraph.
© A person convicted more than once of a Class A or Class B felony under ORS 475.752
to 475.920 for the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in Schedule I or Schedule
II may not be the person responsible for a medical marijuana facility."

If a person meets these criteria the OHA must issue them a person responsible for a medical marijuana facility card................


Edited by loves420
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