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Kids with cannabis get soft option

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Sorry about the loss of your Daughter Mr Wood, but that was ecstasy and this is Cannabis, and no matter how angry ya are at the drugs, it won't bring ya daughter back.

Becoming a staunch anti-drug campaigner is just another form of revenge....... for a decision your daughter made for herself.


Or we could just leave every kid with a criminal record before they are 21, and no-one will want to employ them...... screw their life up before it even starts......

I think cautioning is the right approach.. too many people in jail doing time for petty crimes as it is......


Peace. Nibbler

Edited by The Hash Nibbler
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You never really get over losing a child, its the kind of thing that sticks with you for life and if you have anything to blame their death on they become the devil and should be outright banned.  I know this because when my sister died from a genetic heart condition my parents blamed energy drinks and actually tried to get them banned.  I tried telling them you can't blame her death on energy drinks, I tried explaining that they'll go broke and achieve nothing by trying to get energy drinks banned, etc. and it was only once they were told that the government considers them safe in moderation the same as coffee they backed off on trying to get the drinks banned and instead focused on just telling anyone who would listen to stay away from them.  The guy in the story is the same, he lost a kid and thinks he has something to blame which he is now campaigning against to save lives.  He honestly believes that he is doing great work for the community and that he is fighting for our children which is why he is against all drugs and not just eccys.  I do find it somewhat amusing that if drugs were legal the pill his daughter would have taken would have been pure and the dosage based on her stats making it absolutely safe to consume, yet here he is fighting to not only keep all drugs illegal but come down hard on kids in order to protect them.  As wrong as his position is I fully understand why he believes the things he does and why he is fighting for it.

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