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Marijuana goes mainstream

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Admittedly, it has potential to cause stresses on the mind and body if abused, much the same as alcohol, but the statement of 'do you want the youth of America to be stoned?', is unfortunately one of the few remaining credible negatives to cannabis culture. Of course, the retort is, do you want the youth of America drunk?

This is the reality, to continue with the current stance against cannabis is not justifiable, not now that our resources are depleting rapidly, and the need to reduce our carbon footprint globally is at the forefront of our future existence. Money will no longer save the planet from poverty and famine, ecological repair will.

The products that we can manufacture from Cannabis/Hemp can, and will replace products that we know our use of is causing damage to the environment, but implementing this change is going to take the one hell of a ballsy world leader to instigate, and in my opinion, would be that years Nobel peace prize winner, hands down.

K. Rudd, sounds like bong residue, but is actually our nations leader.

I'd like to see our nations leader prove how 'in touch' he really is with modern society, and give the cannabis community the same freedoms he is proposing to offer the Gay and Lesbian Community.

Each to their own, but to allow Gay or Lesbian marriage to be sanctified under the law of God is akin to blasphemy, does nobody respect religion anymore? Gay and Lesbian marriages should only be recognised under the law of man, not that of God, but if this is to be, then legalise cannabis as well, cater to all communities, no more picking and choosing what is right and what is wrong, leave it up to the individual to decide, and we can all live in blissful anarchy.

Back to canna, and our bong residue leader. It makes sense, to give the cannabis community a fair shake of the sauce bottle, when it comes to revenue raising and environmental repair. A legal cannabis industry, medicinal, recreational, and manufacturing, is nothing but a win win for any nation willing to fully legalise and embark on the canna/hemp wagon.

Fuck education, hasn't worked for alcohol, if people wanna fuck themselves up, they will, but medicinally, you give the ill what they need, not only do you gain their respect and admiration, but that of those around them also, the carers, the family, the growers.

And as for the industrial side of things, new industry creates new employment, jobs that are desperately needed by the ever increasing number of unemployed regestering at centerlink. You want the people to love you, love them first.

And the benefit for the environment, we might have a short existence personally, but what of those that are to follow? It's time we left a future for others to thrive in, the same way we have, as did our parents and ancestors. Mother Earth, one home for all.

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