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Hey Ozstoners i am not a such a big stoner but i want to be a good grower.... ive never grown b4, never had the chance, but now i got a place in the lower hunter vally, NSW,


these are the conditions for the area... their suppose to help me chose a strian i think?

800 – 950 mm yearly

Daytime averages during the winter 16-18°C

Summer daytime averages are 28°C-30°C

Frosts are 15 to 20 days per year

Relative humidity 54%


i would like to grow a few plants, being a newbee....

i want em to be high quality, good testin,n needin little care, also very importent there are tones of dingos, kangroos, rabits, insects

how do i stop em eatn my crops? if they do that... which i heard they do...


id be rely gratful if u could advise me bout a good strian, good seed seller, or clone seller, and good methods to avoid those predators...


a.t.m --i got some unknown seeds, but prolly low quality, is the diffrence between a good strian, n these seeds big? or are they practically the same?


also.. when can i plant already? seson? i rely want to plant already!!! HELP ME PLZ?

Edited by Mr_T
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Relax man, have a cone... no need to worry, you're in the right place. :)


Anyway, welcome to growing and Oz Stoners. If you do a bit of reading throughout the outdoor and other forums, you'll find just about everything you need to know about growing in there somwhere.


You won't know what the strain is of your bagseed until you grow it, and even then it's more likely to be of lower quality because of it's nature, an accidental crossing.


Good seed banks and breeders have worked majic with the cannabis plant, and there are many, many high quality strains and crosses out there to try out.


Bagseed can be good, can be bloody excellent, and as a learning tool it's very useful. But if you can afford to spend some money and get yourself a good strain to start with, then you'll likely get much more reliable and consistent results. Whether those results are just what you want, well, you'll not know that until you smoke it, but generally professionally bred seed kicks ass on bagseed.


Cannabis is a short day flowering plant, so it starts growth in spring, grows through the lengthening day period of spring to summer, and as the summer solstice passes and the days get progressively shorter and shorter, it's stimulated to flower. Theoretically, a cannabis plant can be grown under a long day cycle indefinitely.


So plant in spring, harvest in autumn, outdoors. You can get a head start on spring by germinating plants under fluoros indoors a few weeks before the last frosts. This lets you get a few weeks of extra growth in before you place them out into the light of the nuclear HID in the sky to really vegetate on. :D


Hope this helps, as I said before, have a good read through the forums and the Growing Faq, you'll find a lot of the questions you have are answered there, if there's something that's still confusing you, (most likely because you've read something I've written, it tends to be a little warped sometimes) then ask away, as you are now.


Good luck mate, you've got a while before the planting season comes up, (unless you grow indoors of course, :P ) so you've got plenty of time to learn about the growing of weed in Oz here. :P

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thxs heaps for ur info,


me n my friend got like 300 bucks togther i rekon to spend.... for seeds n fertilizer.. can u plz advise me of a spasific strian sutable for my climate?


if the plants didn't die in winter would they grow biger n better through they years? n will they 100% die in winter?

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The only strain you would grow at this time of the year is indoor, make a grow room out of a wardrobe using compact fluorescents for lighting and save up for a 400w HID. Check out the grow room forum for a bit more information on cupboard grows, there’s a bit there.



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man i am so dissapointed... i cannot grow indoors have no place,..

ive been looking forward to growing for a while now... i got so exicted.. n now i cant grow till like october lol .....


n i cant belive that from all these many hybrids not even 1 can whistand some weather under 5 degree Celcious... not saying ur hybrids sux...thyre mad!! ,


but isnt it possible to make a hybrid to whistand some frostyness??

or do the pros not do it cuz its economically useless... ide pay for a strong survivour like that.... why wouldnt u?

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Cannabis is an annual plant, even if you could somehow breed frost tolerance into a plant, which in and of itself would be useful, yes, you would still likely find the plants finished flowering far before any drop in temps below zero. Still, in some marginal areas where frost was regularly early and late in the season, it could be useful.


It just means you have a lot of time to learn about growing before you do. Which is much easier on your first crop. lol


The fact is, a totally frost tolerant MJ plant doesn't exist commercially, and so you have to live with it. This is why peeps grow indoors and artificially lengthen the day to keep plants vegetative.


Don't be too quick to give up mate, plants aren't going to do what we want just because it would be more convenient, they do what they want, and we can only gently push them into different forms over time and many generations.


You could make it an aim to breed a cold tolerant strain for short season areas, or you could breed one which crops very quickly before the frosts come. Cannabis has done this to itself in some areas, through natural selection, but you could possibly repeat this feat with a lot of effort and time and space.


Just learn all you can about the plants before you judge them, you'll find that they're remarkably adaptable to many climates, and you'll likely find many which are suitable to your area. I'm on the other side of the country so I haven't got a clue as to what would grow well in your area, but maybe someone else on the boards will know what's best to go with for you. lol


Good luck.

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thnxs Luke,.. but u did'nt chear me up..


if the plants just did not die in frost they could grow larger and produce bigger yeilds next year... thats why id like that,... i'd hate to see em die in my own hands...


anyways im trying to get over that now,.. what i still need is a reliable strian n a seller,.. canu plz plz recommend me some or can any 1 plz recommend ?? plz, cuz ive looked ay many strians n they mostly talk bout yeild n smell n resinousnesslessness n other things,... never rely calimate talk... :mellow: so i rely want to have a good start with the best strian....


also im paranoid bout seeds n clones through mail, wouldnt the mail be screened? why wouldnt the cops want to come n arrest seed growers? im sry i couldnt find a proper explanation to this yet... ? so plz tell me what u know ??

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Guest Wilderbud

Ugh @ recommend a strain - theres too many variables eh. lol


Sativas grow nicely here - some will say mould resistant and youd probably be best to go for that since NSW gets a lot of mistiness overnight for a long time.


Theres a seedbanks thread in the seedbanks forum thatll help you pick a supplier.

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thnxs Luke,.. but u did'nt chear me up..


if the plants just did not die in frost they could grow larger and produce bigger yeilds next year... thats why id like that,... i'd hate to see em die in my own hands...


Well, you will eventually, it's an annual plant... It's possible to keep them going and reveg them indoors, although this is more of an art than a science, and not all strains will react well to the process. The older a plant is, the more susceptible to insect and disease attack it becomes simply through age and exposure itself. Not to mention the stresses that trying to resurrect a senescing plant causes, which could cause a whole pile of other potential problems too.


anyways im trying to get over that now,.. what i still need is a reliable strian n a seller,.. canu plz plz recommend me some or can any 1 plz recommend ?? plz, cuz ive looked ay many strians n they mostly talk bout yeild n smell n resinousnesslessness n other things,... never rely calimate talk...  so i rely want to have a good start with the best strian....


You won't find much specific on the seed websites as there's too many variables, too many growers and too many areas. Their needs are fairly similar, although of course there's better strains for certain conditions... Your best bet is to talk to a grower in your local area, but even then the microclimates created in areas as little as 10 meters apart can make for a very different growing experience.


It's a trial and error thing, you'll work out what's best for you over time and trial.


There is a saying amongst gardeners. " A gardener needs 4 lifetimes to learn all he wants to know about growing plants, and then another one to put it all into practice to create the perfect garden..." Or something similar. ;)


also im paranoid bout seeds n clones through mail, wouldnt the mail be screened? why wouldnt the cops want to come n arrest seed growers? im sry i couldnt find a proper explanation to this yet... ? so plz tell me what u know ??


There are many seed sellers all over the world. Have a look in the seeds and seedbanks forums and you should find some links to those which have been used by Oz Stoners members at one stage or another. ;) You shouldn't send things to your growing addy either, just use some common sense and you should be fine. I'm yet to hear about anything but commercial scale growers being investigated for seed importation, mind you I haven't looked for it, but it heartens me to know that I've never, ever heard of anyone being busted for getting small amounts of seeds.


Mail under 500g in the australian postal system isn't systematically scanned. If it were, we'd all be in deep shit. As it isn't, we're not. lol Think about the sheer volume of letters, parcels, packages and other postal items that go through the system every day.... it would be nigh on impossible from a practical point of view to scan all the mail coming through... ;)


Take it easy man, I look forward to watching your first crop develop on the boards. Lots and lots of good info here, you'll likely find everything you need to grow a good crop in these boards in one area or another. lol

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