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How has Cannabis helped you?



I was wondering on the many advantages that cannabis has help the many people on this forum?
My story is that it helped me with but not limited to...
Minor aspergers
Social anxiety
Major back pain (From working with the fire brigade)
Occasional migraine
Help during time of weight loss (you wouldn't think because of munchies :P)


But when I moved over here from N.Z I had to stop during a period working with drug tests. So to date I haven't smoked in over a year..... I can tell you that for the first 3 months I was fine but then the stages of social anxiety came back and it got to the stage that I couldn't even see my friends without feeling anxious. Then the crippling back pain came back, to the stage that I need to take pills that make me feel sick and drowsy. All during the stage that I didn't smoke I gained a LOT of weight!

I'm going to start smoking as soon as I can find some lol. But How has it helped you? How has your life changed with and without the magical medicinal property's of this beautiful plant?

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I like how MOST of you posted seriously :D

I agree with you Badseed I do not like alcohol overly to much I occasionally have a beer but I haven't been drunk in a long time because I really hate the hang over and the feeling during... And fully agree with you Sirvapealot I hate how they say you can only drink and smoke fags! yea sure Ill go get lung cancer and a shot liver just to please the law.

Well I'm pleased with all the results you surly have satisfied my curiosity thank you i would love to hear from more people! :D

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I've met a great friend and a like mind. 

I've halted migraines in their early stages with edibles.

I've enhanced entertainment, movies, music and such.

I have stories, that I can tell others and think back upon myself with fond memory.

My creativity when it comes to cooking and creating recipes and experimentation in the kitchen has been increased. 

I've helped a friend with hernia pain by giving him low dose edibles.

Most of all, I've become introspective...and I believe it makes me want to be a better person, it's like I talk sense to myself

if ever there's anything on my mind or that's worrying me. 

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For me it helps ease muscle tension - it's a great accompaniment to a session of stretching.


It helps unlock creativity and lateral thinking.


It puts hyperactivity to rest and helps to focus on the task at hand.


It's emotionally grounding and at times produces a spiritual experience - especially in a natural setting. 


All in all it's a positive force, but i'd also like to add that with a little over use it quickly promotes social anxiety, lethargy and paranoia - which as we know can be extremely debilitating. 

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