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Colorado marijuana regulations become law

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I think the 7g rule for out of state visitors is kind of stupid as is the 10% tax for education with the intention of reducing usage.  The 7g rule will be unenforceable unless everyone has to produce ID to make a purchase instead of those who just look under 21 and if that happens there will be lots of people who stick to the black market as it will be cheaper and keep your sales private.  The 10% tax would be far better spent going with the other 15% tax directly to schools as all high schools do drug education anyway.  If the intention is to target the children to prevent them using the best option would be to teach them about cannabis in the class room and not to put massively expensive ads on TV and in newspapers which kids no longer use.  Since the intent is to prevent use you can bet that its going to be a bit of a scare campaign and since the only people who use the mediums that will be used to spread the message are old people its almost fair to assume that the real intention for that 10% tax is to recriminalise cannabis and not to educate children.


Apart from those stupid things though this is great news and it sure will be interesting to see what the federal government says and how the states react.  My guess is the fed digs their heels in, Colorado says screw you guys and a huge shit storm erupts once the fed sends in some troops to shut it all down and arrest everyone, including the politicians who signed everything into law.

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