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Cannabis cafes to be compensated over tourist laws

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Unfortunately, it was inevitible. Holland is a beautiful city, it's people are proud of their city and surrounds. It wasn't the stoners that ruined it, it was those rich, spoilt English pratt's that went on regular jaunts to the Netherlands on drug binges that ruined it.

I am not speaking from personal experience, but from descriptions from both Dutch and English workmates I have encountered over the years. One Englishman actually described bus tours that frequently travelled to and from England. Pissed and pilled to the brim, they would hit the coffee shops in Holland, and have absolutely no recollection of what had transpired whilst they were there. Some friggen holiday eh? And I won't mention what the Dutch fellas thought of these Englishmen, you can probably imagine.

No problem with the genuine canna tourist, just the fools who took everything for granted.

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