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(germinating seeds) I use the plastic cup method I poke a few 3/16 Inch holes in the bottom of the cup . next lightly fill with the best soil you can find , be Very careful not 2 pack it down & add water until its nice and moist.. then using a sharpened pencil point down poke your pencil into the soil right in the center .. then push down (slowly) until you see the paint on the pencil touch the soil

about 1/2 of Inch or so.. Then drop you seed in and cover (Lightly) . Then cover with Plastic wrap, Its A good Idea is 2 use a rubber band 2 hold it on nice & tight . then with your pencil poke a few small Holes in the plastic wrap and then place in a warm (dark) place.... ....


Soil I use Black gold Or Fox Farms Ocean forest , light warrior .

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oh I keep the bad seeds and whjen I get a whole heap of them I make Pot Corn out of them, they react the same way as popcorn and they tase yummy.

haha you really crack me up sometimes. pot corn? man what a waste of seed. Personally I use MJ seed as ballbearings in my roller blades. Don't wast money on expensive strains like Jack Herer or anything like that. Plain old Skunk seeds do the job just as well for about a quarter of the price. I also know this other wack job who used MJ seed to grow pot :D each to his own I guess.


For some good info on germing seeds, checkout this topic.

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haha you really crack me up sometimes. pot corn? man what a waste of seed. Personally I use MJ seed as ballbearings in my roller blades. Don't wast money on expensive strains like Jack Herer or anything like that. Plain old Skunk seeds do the job just as well for about a quarter of the price. I also know this other wack job who used MJ seed to grow pot  each to his own I guess.


For some good info on germing seeds, checkout this topic.


Im glad I brought a smile to your face Pipeman, :D


What I was referring to was shit seed that you wouldnt grow with, like bagseed, floating seed or whatever. Yup for sure dont use any seed that could grow a plant.

Back in my outdoors day we never sold seed, we always gave seed to others if they wanted some, most growers had thousands of seeds more than anyone could use.

I remeber the cops knocking on my door once when I was stoned and I flushed a 50gm tobacco pouch full to the brim with seed down the loo :P. they had the wrong house.


I got this idea when I was growing outdoors and there was always a male not too far that always seeded my buds. I wouldnt seed grow I always used female clones and kept the seed for Pot Corn.

It doesnt get ya stoned or anything, it just was a nice feed.

Edited by Ferenge420
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Guest Wilderbud

Theyll pop when you are pulling the cone. :D


A good way to get the most viable seeds from a plant fast is to hit it against something, catch whatever falls then sieve or agitate that [mature seeds split the calyx open so all of these seeds will fall off and hopefully not crack from the abuse]. Im pretty sure this is shown in 'The Million Dollar Crop' video - some cultures do this then burn the seed like incense, make oil from it or eat it when cooked.


Yeah - some seeds take a long time to crack. Theyre probably strains which rely on bird droppings or streams of water to propogate in nature IMO [maybe I got this info from the video mentioned above also]. They say pure sativa seeds are commonly smaller and harder than most seeds so I wouldnt be surprized if they were naturally propogated by river or a birds stomache [animals actually dislike the taste of MJ seeds although they are famous propogators - Id be surprized if Pot Corn tasted good without lashings of flavour].


Damn im thinking about MJ seeds popped in cannabis oil and caramelized with cannabis caramel now - cant stop this chain of thoughts hehe... and sprinkled with trichomes then left to meld in a container - gotta get me some now!!!

Edited by Wilderbud
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well I lernt something today, I was alway told that the ones that sink are full of plant matter and generally more viable and vigorous, And that if they float its because they have a small amount of space or air in the seed and even though they may come up they wont amount to much.


Thanks for re-educating this old fool on this matter. :D

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Guest Wilderbud

Its all like an osmosis effect and it probably would be OK to score [mark] some seeds so that they take up water and crack more easilly - I wouldnt do it unless it was a wicked strain and hard to germinate though [maybe haze dominant strains??? - I dont know for sure since Im new at strains but I did get some very small/hard/black seeds from some purple weed that got me so giggly it had to be haze].


Hmm, that video could be Hemp For Victory now that I think about it - grab both and also Reefer Madness. :D

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