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General Outdoor Growing Question

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Ive never grown dope but considering I smoke a fair bit I was wanting to give it a try! :D


I had a bag of seeds that Ive collected that I sowed in the vegie garden around Jan.


To be honest I totally forgot about them untill yesterday when I was picking some tomatoes I noticed this little satvia plant around 3 " tall.


Can someone please tell me considering that its April, and that I live in Melbourne, would this plant continue to grow / flower?


I also would like to know which strains are the best for outdoor growing and where I can get them from?



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gudday mate,


being this time of the year ya little plant should be well into flower by now.


If it's starting to thicken up and depending on how much frost ya get down there, it may be a good idea to leave it in the ground.


Frost is my biggest concern when i have plants that are finishing this late in the season.


I still have sat doms and pure sats with at least another 3 weeks till finish. Fortunately they have been planted under a tall canopy which catches the majority of frost.


As far as future growth goes, you'll find it's just about as big as its gonna get.


can ya possibly get a couple of pics?


best of luck with it



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Thanks Wade,


Considering our weather down here has been pretty good and were still getting some days around 25 deg I might leave it in and see how it goes.


Frost hasnt started yet as most nights are getting down to around 12 - 14 deg.


Id post pics but I need my bro to tell me how to do it first. Sorry Im all new to this technology stuff!

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