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First grow, gear check, paranoia?

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Hello fellow stoners!


Ok so I've been in the research period of starting a grow for afew weeks now, and ive got more of a grasp on what to expect, but i still have afew questions and concerns which im hoping you guys can help me with...so lets dive into it shall we..


I currently live in a house with two room mates who I would much prefer to know nothing about a grow


So far I have decided i want to grow with coco /perlite? medium  and grab a bag of clay balls and go for the coco method that the awesome Hash Nibbler has posted somewhere on these beautiful forums

(When it comes around to buying nutes ect i will probably post back after more research..but one step at a time.)


I am planning on growing 3-4 plants in a Scrog setup in a grow space around this size.




now i would just buy this but personally i think ... grabbing a 5 dollar mylar blanket from some cheap chinese shop and a trip to Howard storage or Vinnies   would allow me to build something similar for much cheaper.


I was considering buying a bunch of cheap cfl bulbs  to save cash but like Doctorwho (dont quote me on that I'm stoned) I believe said  "why don't you just do it properly the first time and not lose money and have a collection of useless crap" ... good idea .. so what do you think of this?





Anywhoo to my actual questions...


1. would that grow-tent be adequate for a 4 plant Scrog ? and if so do you guys think i should just grab the tent as its not super expensive.

2.will that 600W HPS set have me sorted for lighting ? (sorry i know the site has fuck all info on it but the photo might tell you something its not telling me ..)

3. Any info on Fans/carbon filters or some other method of scrubbing the smell from the air would be GREATLY appreciated ...seriously I'm lost here guys!

4.Am I on the right track, so far all i can think of is  The medium/seeds/nutes, Lighting, Exhaust and the grow area/tent.... i dont think i am forgetting anything....maybe a cool tube


5. I am quite concerned or paranoid about actually buying these things (of course i know that not everyone who needs hydro gear is growing bud) however from what ive been reading on these forums, im kinda scared to even go and buy any gear online, (and there arent really any hydro stores near me/I dont own a car)  one of the main reasons actually i have not bought that $99 grow tent and am thinking of making one... I cannot make my own HID and ballast, exhaust obviously... am i being over paranoid ? are the stories of cops busting people just for buying some things online true (would they even bother with a small grow like what i am thinking... if anyone has any tips, advice, or links to a thread about such concerns it would be greatly appreciated 


I know this probably is not the most well structured thread out there and its full of vague questions....nonetheless Thanks alot guys for taking the time :)



oh yea, to anyone interested i also came across afew bagseeds the last time i got on, i planted one in a small cup with some soil from the garden after germination  about 3 days ago, shes coming along nicely im hoping to transplant her into some coco when I eventually buy some Nutrifield coco .. will keep you posted on this unexpected first plant! Stay High :smoke:

Edited by indi420
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I don't know to much about this.


The tent looks like a good size for one plant and I guess the light would do its job.


Cops will bust or have a look if they want but I'm would like to think with small grows they have better things to do.


Once you're up and running don't forget to start a thread in grow diaries.

Edited by fuzzimuzzi
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OK Indi,

             Here is some advise, growing in a share house is (imo) a big no, no. It only takes one person to get their nose out of joint and you're screwed. Just one person to get jealous that you always have smoko, or the cash from not buying smoko externally, then questions start getting asked. A mate gets a bit pissed one night out and starts spouting off 'bout this bloke he lives with got this dope setup....... And although you want to setup with 'carbon filters or some other method of scrubbing' others may still be able to 'smell' something.

As for the power bill, hmmm, let me guess, split the bill evenly. So you grow and they pay, hmmmm, if you were my housemate I'd kick your ass to the gutter in a heartbeat the second I found out. I have another question, whose name is on the lease? Those individuals on the lease can be held accountable for illegal activities occurring within those premises. And if (heaven forbid)There was a fire, whether from your equipment or not, all insurance policies are voided due to illegal activities within the premises. This includes the landlords insurance on the premises. So the choice is yours, but be very furkin careful. It might cost ya more than you thought if things go 'belly up'. Even jail.


4 plants in a 1 x 1 x 1.8 ??? More plants does not mean more buds, more room means more buds. I have 1 plant in a 3 x 3 x 3 SCROG. 4 plants in a 1 x 1 x 1.8 is almost getting to SOG lol more than SCROG.

If you're going to do it anyway (again, NOT ADVISABLE) for lighting go 600 watt HPS, it can be used both for grow cycle and flowering and being HID you'll get better canopy penetration. Personally I wouldn't bother with CFL's, do it properly and go HPS.


Small grow or not, it is illegal. Growing Cannabis in Australia is illegal. So yes, you can be 'busted' even for a small setup, it doesn't matter if they are seedlings or fully grown plants, you can be busted. Some states you may just get a fine for growing outdoors but once you use 'enhanced methods' ie Indoor room, lights, fans etc, its a court matter. Some states go on the number of plants ie one plant can be seen as personal use but two or more can be seen as commercial supply = big holiday with a room mate called 'Bubba'. So you really have to think about what you are doing. You really have to do your research and workout the cost if you  get busted, don't stick your head in the sand and go 'It'll never happen to me' cos if it does...............you were told.


Just some advice



P.S. As Fuzzi says He doesn't know much about this. I do (I've been busted). Be Careful

Edited by merl1n
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Uh huh:-) growing on the sly from your housemates, near on impossible. Fuckers are like mites, they will find your plant/s. Then you get the whole, you have to pay more electricity, you have to shout us, or worse still, your growing dope, I'm calling the cops. Not worth the risk.
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Hey there Merl1n,


Thanks for taking the time mate, I know it isnt really the optimal situation currently however you were not 100% spot on, the house is pretty long (its more a house and a granny flat renovated to be one building) and they generally don't come into my living spaces. The place is mine, I'm renting out to a couple of acquaintances (friends friends...) who will be moving into their own place around the time a first harvest would be planed or soon after. so as for the people in my house finding out, I am not that concerned.


the power bill till then may be, i was under the impression from research that a 600W light + a fan would not push the bill up any noticeable level and multiple 1000W HiDs were required before worrying about that.. was this info incorrect? 


as for a fire, in any case that would be a very bad thing, saving afew $$$ every couple of weeks isnt worth burning my house down, but i am sure the Relative risk is low right? ...I  risk burning my house down every night when i go to sleep with clothes in the dryer i suppose ..



The reason i say three - four plants is thats what a previous forum poster had suggested would give me around 300g a harvest based on some seeds (pineapple chunk, northern lights from bonza) and I have seen growers on youtube/forums use a ScrOG method with three plants in an area around that size,  any other recommendations based on what I've just said?  


I will for sure go with the HPS HID  i do have 2 flat wall lamp cfls at 55w ea so i might chuck them in around the lower end of the tent, if you guys think that is a good idea.


about the smell, filters ect, you didnt really mention if you knew much about them, i am going with the impression that 3-4 plants in a growtent with a good fan / activated carbon filter (being exhausted through the floor under my house if need be) in a room that noone other than myself goes in would be no cause for alarm as far as smell went. opinions ? 


Cops wise I know I CAN get busted for anything, just like i can get busted for smoking it most nights as i do, as for the risks and all that, like you said its all in my research period, I do not plan to be one of these aussie stoners who thinks they are immune to the law for the sake of being "pro cannabis". However what I mean is there are 100 posts on this forum saying don't buy off ebay, your just asking to be caught. and another 100 beside them saying i bought all my shit from ebay using my credit card and got it sent to my place with no issues no need to be paranoid! ... I just want some fresh info from different people on the whole buying off EBAY thing.


Thanks again mate!

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You got good advice, is up to you if ya don't take it, if your going to do it anyway,  do it, and find out the hard way.................... peace. Nibbler

are you referring to Merl1n advising me that a share house grow is a bad idea? or something else nibbler.


I did get good advise and I intend to use it, after all you guys are the pros I am just trying to get started here, however I'm just worried about what afew of you've said about ebay (+afew other questions ive already asked air filter...ect) and "trying and finding out the hard way" ... when its illegal .. not a smart thing to do in my opinion.


i hope that made sense, Cheers 

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Hey again,

Look, if your tenants are moving out, then wait until they have left. You want NOBODY to know, nobody to know about plans, nobody to know about equipment. NOBODY. The less people who know, the less likelihood of loose tongues. I in a former life, walked a fine line with some meth heads, not bad blokes, just questionable. I explain them more as "they'd steal your grandmothers false teeth if they could get a dollar for them" sort of people. None of them knew I was growing, but I always had some good smoke. Somebody put 2+2 together and got 4. They told a mate, who told a mate and I got me a late night visitor, who I chased from my premises. The next week I got another visit, this time it was the cops. I sold my house and moved bush, now nobody knows. And never will.


Any HID lighting will chew the power, be that a 600w or a 1000w, so don't fool yourself that nobody will know from your consumption, you maybe able to disguise it ie a 1000w heater, that you never use, in the corner. But it doesn't take a genius to work it out and co tenants don't need to be genius', there are easy signs that can be seen.


It is not only at harvest that you need to be concerned with the 'smell', during grow the odour can be easily distinguished and identified. And yes you could burn your house down with a clothes drier, but the use of the clothes drier is not illegal. If they found a cupboard full of lights and plants in that premise, even if the fire was started in the drier, the fact that the premises has an illegal activity would void your insurances.


All deliveries to your 'growing' premises can be a concern. So receiving ANY hydro equipment via deliveries by courier or Australia Post to those premises is plain stupid. In stead of trying to skimp on price, bite the bullet and go buy your lights, then you take them home and you deliver them wherever they need to go, safety first.


Another bit of advice, whatever 'another poster' told you about how much you will grow, take it with a huge grain of salt. A mate of mine was pulling pounds/crop from his room and I modelled mine on his. I have never been able to match his quantity, but he has never matched my quality. So don't go banking on what others have 'promised', get your setup up and going, learn from your mistakes ('cos there will be a few) and improve with each grow. But do not be going 'oh johno got 20 oz from his grow so I should get 20+ from mine' or banking on having a ripper crop and spending $$$ before you've got it in your hot little hand, cos one cockup or one visit from the filth and you are, in technical terms 'screwed'. And as for what you have seen on 'Youtube' forget it, make a start and start to learn for yourself. 



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